
v 2.2  ; 04/22/2023




payment status (folio) errors


This guide will be addressing several Payment Status Errors (previously known as “Folio”) that occur when trying to send a payment to accounting. These errors will prevent payments from being successfully received by Business Central and will need to be resolved in a timely manner.

In most of these cases you will need to follow all steps before returning to the payment in question.


payment status error messages



“Exception in Business Central execution; Line 20000: Contact No. IND-013956 not found -or- ORG-xxxxxx not found


This error is often due to a new record in CRM which has not had any accounting activity yet. Because this error can occur in a number of different scenarios, we have a separate guide - “Fiscal Transfer Error: IND -or- ORG not found” located in the Knowledge Base on the GOsupport portal. 



Business Central Exception; The record in table Customer already exists. Identification fields and values: No.='ORG-XXXXXX'



This error can occur when there is a contact or “customer” connected to an ORG record in Business Central when there shouldn’t be.



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Solution: In Business Central, look up the ORG-xxxx shown in the error and make sure there isn’t a contact/customer connected to it. If there is, delete the ORG from record.

(Very similar steps for the error: Line #20000: Customer Account No. is blank)



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“Business Central Exception; Line 20000: Customer Account No. is blank:”


When this error occurs, something needs to be changed with the ORG/Contact/Donor connected to the payment which is failing to send to Business Central.



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The error can occur when a contact (Gary, for this example) has a parent constituent and a donor record without a constituent (or with a different parent constituent.) Essentially, Gary was connected to more than one record.


Solution: From the Donors tab in Business Central, search for the appropriate donor (In this case The ____ Family Trust) and click on the ORG



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Open the Donor Card -> Click More Options -> Related -> Customer -> Contact





When the next screen shows the “related contacts,” you want the ORG in question to be the only contact to show up. Before resolving this issue, Gary was showing up beneath “The ___ Family Trust.”



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Before resolving the error in question, Gary’s IND Contact Card had information listed in the “Company No.” and “Company Name” fields. (Having an ORG listed in a Contact’s card in Business central tends to cause errors, even if the Contact is associated with the ORG in akoya.)


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To resolve, remove any information in the above highlighted fields.


“Exception in BusinessCentralController.CreateGiftPayment execution; System.InvalidOperationException”
















This error most often occurs when the Akoya Constituent/Contact does not yet exist as a contact in Business Central. Follow through these steps, and try sending payment again after each step:


  • Ensure that the Constituent/Contact is Active in akoya and activate if not (Inactive records will not transfer).
  • If neither of the above steps worked--Go into the contact or constituent’s record and make a change (for example: Add Male/Female, change Street to St, or add a middle initial) SAVE the record. Go back to Business Central and re-sync. Go back to payment and try sending to accounting.
  • (Go back to Contact/Constituent and undo the change only if you need to and SAVE.)


This error can be similar to the first error mentioned in this guide. For more detailed instructions, please refer to our guide - “Fiscal Transfer Error: IND -or- ORG not found” located in the Knowledge Base on the GOsupport portal


"Exception in Business Central Controller. Create Gifts..."  (Followed by either… Contacts or Constituent.)   


Solution: Follow the steps taken for the “Exception in BusinessCentralController.CreateGiftPayment execution; System.InvalidOperationException” error (Shown above.)



“Contact ORG-xxxxx already has a Contact Business Relation with Customer ORG-xxxxx.”


This error can occur when the contact has a parent constituent but a donor record without a constituent (or with a different parent constituent). 



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Solution: Locate the Business Central Contact Record for the Contact on the Payment (usually an IND record) and remove the Company No. Value & Company Name.



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Fund 00XXX DT Accounts total 0% on dd/mm/yyyy


This error usually occurs when a new fund has been created, and the DT Account “start date” is later than the posting date used on the gift payment they are trying to send to business central. In this example, the payment was 6/9/22, but the ‘start date’ for the DT account was set to 6/13/22


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Solution:  Go into the fund connected to the Gift payment and back-date the “Start Date” to accommodate for the gift payment date.


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We could not update the data right now. Please try again later. Technical details: A record in table Gen. Journal Line was locked for use in another session. 


This error can occur when automated entries are attempting to/failing to post in the background.


Solution: Check the General Journals "NetAssets" and "DT" for unposted entries. 

If you find entries in these journals, delete them, and then Reapportion.

(Another possibility could be that more than one user is trying to work on the same record)



“Fiscal Transfer Error…. Department is required”


This error can occur when attempting to push through a payment from CRM to Business Central. The likely cause is that the Fund attached to the payment does not have a Department connected to it. Each fund must be assigned a Department. This value is assigned to the payment once the fund is selected.  


Solution: Remove the fund value from the payment, save, then re-add the fund value. If Department is still missing, ensure the fund has a department value, and try previous steps again.




Comments (1)
  • I am looking for a resolution to this folio exception from grant processing:
    Exception in BusinessCentralController.CreateGrantPayment execution; Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.