




The purpose of this guide is to show steps on how to create a specific or multiple account statements quickly & easily in Business Central.  




From the top of the main page of Business Central, click on: Finance > Chart of Accounts > Account Number (Note: If creating a statement for multiple funds, the same navigation applies.)  


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STEP 2: Navigate from G/L Account Card to Trial Balance Detail/Summary 


Once you have clicked the Account #, the Account Card will pop-up. The following steps will navigate to another pop-up that will have filters to choose from for the fund(s) statement. (Note: you will need to click the “More options” tab to get to “Reports” 



  1. Click on “More Options” tab in the top bar 

  1. Click on the “Reports” tab 

  1. Select “Trial Balance Detail/Summary” 



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Step 3: 


Once in Trial Balance Detail/Summary window, select the following options: 

  • Toggle on for “Print Transaction Detail 

  • Toggle on for “Print Source Names 

  • Filter to the account(s) you want a report for (Note: if doing multiple accounts at the same time, you will want to filter like this: 1009|3040|3080|4100 using a vertical slash between the account numbers.) 

  • Filter the date you are looking to get the report to show. (Note: if wanting a range of dates, you will need to filter like this: 07/21/2022..07/21/2022 using two periods between the dates) 


After entering in the filters needed, click on Print. Alternatively, you can click on Preview to see the report/statement before printing. 




Step 3.1: 


After clicking on Preview, you should see a report that looks similar to the one shown below. After confirming that all the pertinent information is showing, you can print from here or go back to change any filters that were missing. 


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Instructions for Fund Statements are similar, and can be found by clicking here.