



Goapply: advancing to the next phase

This guide will show steps to take when moving applicants to the next phase of an application.



Applications can move through several phases throughout the grant application process. GOapply allows you to move the application into each of the different phases allowing you to collect new information from applicants along the way. Examples of a phase include:
  • Letter of Intent
  • Full Proposal
  • Interim
  • Report
  • Final Report
  • & More


using workflows to advance


To move applicants forward to the next phase of an application you will use an on-demand workflow titled Advance to next GOapply Phase. You can do this one at a time or in bulk.
Running the Flow on an individual Request

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message<br><br>Description automatically generated

Open the singular Request record:

  • Click on the drop-down ‘Flow’
  • Select the proper workflow from the list
  • Click OK

Running the Flow on multiple Request records

To advance multiple records at a time, you’ll want to create a view that filters to the needed application and phase numbers. To create that view, you will want to start from the Requests entity in the akoyaGO App.

From the Requests entity:
  • Click on the ‘Edit Filters’ button in the upper right-hand corner of the default view
  • Add the filters – ‘GOapply Application’ & ‘GOapply Phase’ with the needed information
  • Click “Apply” button
  • Save the filtered view (Optional, but recommended)

Graphical user interface, text, application<br><br>Description automatically generated

Once you have a filtered view with the Requests you are wanting to advance:
  • Select all rows
  • Click the ‘Flow’ drop-down
  • Select “Advance to next GOapply Phase”

Graphical user interface, text, application, email<br><br>Description automatically generated

After running this flow, a new “In Progress Status Tracking” record is created. The new Phase and Form Definition will be filled in.


checking status tracking


After advancing an application to the next phase, you may want to check the tracking status. Each status tracking record for an application is connected to a single Request.

To navigate to the Status Tracking from the Request:
  • Click on the GOapply tab
  • Find and click on the Status Tracking ID number

On the following page you should be able to see that all of the application and phase numbers match the request record.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email<br><br>Description automatically generated

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