
RELEASE NOTES: February 9, 2023 


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 2/9/2023. Documentation has been updated or added to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support. 




  • Bug Fixes 

  • The GOverify button for running on multiple records (selected in the Constituents entity) had disappeared from the toolbar but this bug has been fixed. See the GOverify whitepaper to learn more. 

  • The business process flow for grant and gift payments was absent in the non-accounting app for users with the akoyaGO Administrator (no accounting) security role. This has been fixed.  

  • There was a bug in the calculation of the Paid field on Request. We have fixed this by excluding Payment Status = Error so that payments that have not been successfully sent to accounting will not be included in the calculation. 

  • We have updated the business rule on Fund Connections to hide the Donor Portal Access fields unless that role is chosen. 


  • Enhancements 

  • A new entity exists called Impact Investments. This entity is useful for foundations that grant loans. A whitepaper called Impact Investments is forthcoming to support this functionality. 

  • Both the Move From and Move To fields in the Spendable Allotment formula are now lookup fields to Accounts. 

  • A view has been added to the Donors & Prospects entity called Gave Last Year but Not This Year. The view includes donors whose Total Giving Last Year contains data, but Total Giving This Year does not. 

  • akoyaGO without accounting: Requested Amount was added to the Award section on the summary tab of the Request form. 

  • A new field has been added to the Project tab of Request called Number of People Served. This is a static, whole number field. 

  • Gift Quick Create: The fields Campaign Activity and Solicitation method were shifted down on the Gift Quick Create form to allow for check-related fields to be directly under the Payment Type. For more information, see the Gift Quick Create whitepaper. 

  • A field called LOI Requested Amount was added to the Process tab of Request in the Letter of Intent section. This field will serve to record the amount requested in the letter of intent. 

  • Accounting Settings: A new field called Due To/Due From Error has been added to Accounting Settings. The field is a lookup to Account and represents the g/l account number that will be debited/credited during autobalance or reapportionment when the fund's DT accounts are not set up correctly. It will be auto populated with account 2999. 

  • A new report called Grant Docket exists on Request.  

  • Requests with linked Payments/Requirements can no longer be deleted until the Payments/Requirements have been deleted. 

  • Gifts with linked Payments cannot be deleted until the Payments have been deleted. Likewise, Donors with linked Gifts cannot be deleted until the Gifts have been deleted. 

  • Each time GOverify runs, it will make an entry to the Constituent's timeline that includes a PDF of the Charity Status Report. See the GOverify whitepaper for more information. 

  • We’ve added the ability to bulk-update your donor total giving. This will need to be done at least annually, at the start of the new year. See the whitepaper, Annual Giving – Donor for more information. 

  • If a constituent's tax status is null, revoked, or not checked in the last 30 days, a banner will appear in the constituent record, request record, and payment record alerting you to the fact that the tax status is not verified or has not been verified in the last 30 days. See the GOverify whitepaper for more information. 

  • Added the following columns to the system view Pending Requests: Tax Status, GOverify Exempt. 

  • A new field on Request Payments has been added called Disbursement Type. This functionality was added to support 990 reporting. 

  • Payment Type is now a required field in the Gift Quick Create form. 

  • A new view called Denied to be Notified has been added as a system view and has been added to the Grant Manager Dashboard. 

  • We’ve updated the language surrounding Net Asset Clear. When you run it from akoyaGO CRM, your message will say that it has created a journal entry that needs to be manually posted. Net Asset Clear will never auto post to the ledger. 

  • Totaling asset accounts will now sync from Business Central to akoyaGO CRM under Fund Management > Accounts. This functionality only applies to accounts where the Account Category = Asset. To support this functionality, a new field has been added to account called Account Subcategory Description. This field is locked and will populate on sync from Business Central. 

  • The view “Request Payments to AP Bills” has been removed and replaced by a system view called “Request Payments to Send to Accounting”.  


Business Central 


  • Bug Fixes 

  • For users with the new deposit form, the payment status in CRM was not updating to Deposited after gift payments had been deposited in Business Central. This bug has been fixed. Payment Status will reflect whether the gift has been received or deposited. 

  • The Federal ID No. field has been removed from the Contact card. Federal IDs can be found in the Vendor (Payee) card, and that value can only be changed by editing the Vendor card. This change was prompted by a bug that caused the Federal ID to disappear from the Vendor card due to issues with CRM syncs triggered to the related Contact card. Removing the field from Contact fixed this issue. 


  • Enhancements 

  • Reports:  

  • Four reports have been added: Average Daily Balance Report, Posted JIA Report, Spendable Allotment Report, and Fund Fee Report. These can be run from the Reports menu in Business Central. 

  • Gift and Grant Payments (including reversals) are now associated with the corresponding posting group and balance account when applicable. 


  • New Features 

  • We’ve added a new auditor report layout called Auditor Report (Wide) to accommodate up to 11-digit amounts. For more information, see the Auditor Report Setup whitepaper for more information. 




GOapply V2 

  • Bug Fixes 

  • Mapping to yes/no dropdown questions in CRM was broken but is now fixed. Please ensure that question types in GOapply match the field type in CRM. See page 22 of the GOapply V2 Admin Guide for more information.  

  • A bug was causing the Add Row feature of matrix question types to fail. This has been fixed. 

  • A bug was causing the Login Instructions field to not appear in GOapply UI. This bug has been fixed. 


  • Enhancements 

  • GOapply form editor now includes the ability to assign a question to a view in CRM. This functionality is only for questions mapped to lookup fields. Meaning, the view will display as a drop down in the application. See page 19 in the GOapply V2 Admin Guide for more information. 

  • The GOapply V2 login instructions field is now a rich text editor. This is a new field so you will need to update your log in instructions. See page 8 of the GOapply V2 Admin Guide for more information. 

  • The application name and applicant name will now be included at the top of the PDF. If the Review Group is set to Anonymous Review, the applicant name will be hidden, but the application name will still appear.  

  • We removed unnecessary options from the HTML question field from GOmanager. 

  • GOmanager/Form Builder: Upon creating a brand new phase, the form editor will be pre-loaded with applicant, payee, primary contact, high school and college dynamic panels. The panels can be deleted if you don't want to use them. This functionality will not affect pre-existing phases. See page 14 the GOapply V2 Admin Guide for more information.  

  • Review Groups whose Review By date has passed will no longer appear in the user's list of review groups in GOapply UI. 

  • A new field has been added to the Status Tracking Record form called Override Phase Due Date. This is for giving individual applicants more time to complete a phase. For more information, see page 27 of the GOapply V2 Admin Guide. 

  • We've added image scaling/size corrections to images in GOapply Settings so that the image on the log in/log out page will scale for a better overall look. 



GOapply V2 Reviewer 

  • Bug Fixes 

  • Review Groups that had been deactivated in the CRM were still appearing in GOapply Reviewer. This bug has been fixed. 

  • Multiple pages are no longer allowed in GOapply Reviewer form editor. In order for the review group application to function properly, your reviewer form must be one page. See page 11 of the GOapply V2 Reviewer Admin Guide for more information. 


  • Enhancements 

  • We've updated the functionality so that the Hide From Reviewer field on Form Editor is no longer dependent on the Anonymous Review setting in Review Group Settings. The GOapply and GOapply Reviewer guides have been updated to reflect this change. 

  • A lookup field called GOapply Settings has been added to the Reviewer record, in the internal tab. This field will auto populate upon creation of the Reviewer record. This field supports GOapply email functionality.  




  • Bug Fixes 

  • There was a bug that caused the password reset email to not send. This has been fixed. 

  • The amount from grant recommendations was not mapping to the Requested Amount on the Request record. This has been fixed.  

  • Minimal Amount field in GOfund Settings, Recommend Grant Form tab, was changed to Minimum Amount. 

  • The address for the Foundation Staff Contact was showing the address on the Contact, rather than the address from the Donor record in Accounting Settings. Foundation Staff Contact should always show the address attached to the Interfund Payee/Payor in your accounting settings. See page 16 of the GOfund Admin Guide for more information. 

  • We updated the workflow "Auto-create Request Payment when Approved" to no longer exclude requests created from GOfund. This means that once grant recommendation requests are approved, the payment will be automatically created. 

  • A bug caused the Repeat this Grant function to not fill in the organization or amount. This bug has been fixed. 

  • A bug was fixed within the GOfund invite email flow for users who are also GOapply users. See page 6 of the GOfund Admin Guide for more information. 


  • Enhancements 

  • In GOfund Settings, we've added a field called Timing of grant helper text. This field appears on the Recommend a Grant form under Grant Type and helps explain to your users how the Timing of Grant options work. Find more information on page 14 of the GOfund Admin Guide. 

  • "GOfund Connections has been adjusted to show both active AND inactive records for the following connections: 

  • Donor Portal Access (GOfund) 

  • Fund Statement Recipient 

  • Fundweb Administrator 

  • Fundweb Full User 

  • Fundweb Read Only 

  • GOfund Administrator 

  • GOfund Full User 

  • GOfund Read Only 

It is important to note that clients implemented on the new GOfund product (no longer using fundweb) should ONLY be using the "Donor Portal Access (GOfund)" connection. This is the only one that will work to connect your users to GOfund. 

  • The permission formerly called Grant Detail Drill Down Access is now called View Fund Statement. If No is selected, the user will not be able to view the fund statement in GOfund. See page 4 of the GOfund Admin Guide for more information. 

  • GOfund Donor Portal permissions now include access to grant history and gift history. For more information see page 4 of the GOfund Admin Guide. 

  • In the Fund Summary, the recent grant payments and recent contributions will show the top three most recent entries regardless of date. See page 18 of the GOfund Admin Guide for more information. 

  • The Grant Type options on the recommend a grant form are now customizable. See page 14 of the GOfund Admin Guide for more information. 

  • Searching in the organization field in the recommend a grant form will now include AKA. See page 20 of the GOfund Admin Guide for more information. 

  • A popup will now appear when you try to change a contact's email address that has a GOfund Donor Portal Access connection alerting you to the fact that it will change their GOfund log in. Once the email is changed, the user can log in with the updated email address. See page 6 of the GOfund Admin Guide for more information. 


*For organizations who are running FundWeb and GOfund concurrently: We have adjusted the GOfund invite email flow to accommodate this scenario. If the Fundweb URL field on Contact contains data, the GOfund invite email will be created as a draft. While you are using both systems, you will need to manually send that invite email, or not send the email if the user should not have access to GOfund yet.