





fund statement Format


Fund Statement Formats live in Business Central and instruct the Fund Statement report on how to display it’s information.

navigate to fund statement Formats


From your actions menu at the top of the home page, click on Reports > Report Setup > Fund Statement Formats 



Alternatively, you can use the magnifying glass icon to search for “Fund Statement Formats”. 



Your system will have the akoyaGO Format as a default. The formats in the list may vary depending on if your organization had a format created during implementation.


Select a fund statement format or click +New to create a new fund statement format.



Important: you must create new fund statement formats in Business Central. If you create a new one from akoyaGO CRM, it will be deleted once sync runs. 


(You may receive a pop-up from MS, asking if you would like to “take a tour.” We have found that this can be helpful for many, but is completely optional.)


Fund statement Format Page


The page is comprised of three sections: Header, Footer, and Report Lines.





Code: a short code with which to identity the format


Name: the format's full name


Description: a brief description of what the format will be used for 


Comparison Type: set a comparison column for this report format. The Compare To field in the report dialog will override this selection. 


Current Period Column Header: if a comparison is set (either in these settings or in the report dialogue) this is what will read as the current period column header. If no comparison is selected, this label will not appear.

Comparison Column Header: if a comparison is set (either in these settings or in the report dialogue) this is what will read as the comparison column header. If no comparison is selected, this label will not appear.

A screenshot of a document<br><br>Description automatically generated

Show Fund Donor: If on, the fund primary donor name (field in Fund records in the CRM) will show in the header of the report. 

Fund Donor Caption: If Show Fund Donor is on, this is the field label that will precede the primary fund donor name.

A screenshot of a computer screen<br><br>Description automatically generated



Is Available in akoyaGO: toggle on or off. This setting determines whether this format option will be available to select on the Fund in akoyaGO CRM.



Report Footer 


Type your report footer into the text box. Each Fund Statement Format can have a unique report footer. Report footers will appear on the last page of the fund statement or after each fund in a consolidated statement. The Fund statement footer has a 750 character maximum. The report footer will be bolded left-aligned.


Report Lines


Style, choose one:

  • Section - Bold, thick underline and thick topline 
  • Header - Bold, underline 
  • Detail - Standard font (not bold) 
  • Footer - Bold 


Field 1 Expr.  

  • For summary sections/headers, the label for the selected row (generally, a text value); can contain any alphanumeric character or space. 
  • For detail sections, may contain a data value selected from the available G/L Entry fields. 


Field 2 Expr. - Used only for detail sections. Header lines contain column formats. Detail lines contain a data value selected from available G/L Entry fields. 


Field 3 Expr. - Used only for detail sections. Header lines contain column formats. Detail lines contain a dollar value. 


Account Type 

  • G/L - Any account number from the general ledger. Includes items posted to that account. 
  • Net Asset - Accounts between 3000 and 3999, includes indirect net activity (posted based on revenue/expenditures) 


Filter - Specify which accounts to include.  

  • For a range of accounts use two periods (“..”) E.g. 1000..1999 
  • To select multiple non-consecutive accounts use a vertical bar (“|”) E.g. 4010|4020|4040 


Show Amount - Select to display data for the selected row. Rows with calculated values, etc. can be hidden if desired. 


Reverse Sign - Display the amount with the opposite sign (E.g. display a credit balance as a positive value). 


Negative Style - Choose Negative or Parentheses. If Negative, amounts less than $0.00 in the fund statement will appear with a minus (-) sign in front of them. If Parentheses, amounts less than $0.00 in the fund statement will appear in parentheses. 


Red Negative Values - Check the box in this column to make amounts less than $0.00 in the fund statement display in red.


Calculation Method 

  • Beginning Balance - Balance at the beginning of the filtered date range 
  • Net Change - Net change during the filtered date range 
  • Ending Balance - Balance at the end of the filtered date range 


Show if No Data - Select to display the row even if no data exists for the specified criteria.  Use this option to insert blank lines for spacing. 


Group By - Used only for detail sections. Select a field on which to group data. E.g. Group by [Akoya Payment No.] to consolidate data by payment number. This would consolidate payment lines that net to zero, such as reversals. 


Order By - Used only for detail sections. Select a field on which to sort data. 


Color-code the lines of your fund statement - fund statement formats also have the ability to add color to certain lines in the fund statement. To see these fields, add them to your fund statement format using the Personalization settings. 


Select the settings gear icon in the top right corner then select Personalize.



Your screen will change to allow for personalization. Click More to expand your personalization options. 



Choose + Field. 



Now, make sure to select the Report Line section of this page. Simply click into that section to select it. You will know it is selected when it is surrounded by a red box.



Once the Report Lines section is selected, you should see the options for Field 1-4 Color fields. If not, use the magnifying glass icon to search for those field names. Next, simply drag and drop those fields into the Report Lines section. To move the fields around within the section, use the red arrow on the top right of the column to drag and drop.



The Field Color columns operate using HEX codes (#XXXXXX) or RDLC-safe colors. The number corresponds to the Field 1-4 Expr. columns on the fund statement format. 


Field 1 Color - updates the color of values in Field 1 Expr.


Field 2 Color - updates the color of values in Field 2 Expr.


Field 3 Color - updates the color of values in Field 3  Expr. Typically this column on the fund statement is a dollar amount value.


Field 4 Color - updates the color of values in Field 4  Expr. Typically this column on the fund statement is a comparison column and a dollar amount value.


For example, if I want the header of the left column of my fund statement to be a certain color, I would add a HEX code to the Field 1 Color, on the Header line.



And this is the result of that on the fund statement. 



Follow this same logic to add colors to additional fund statement lines.

fund statement Format for funds


In akoyaGO CRM, you can specify which fund statement formats (if multiple) apply to which funds. In the Fund form, there is a lookup field on Fund Statement Format. If none is selected, the fund statement formats will default to the akoyaGO format.


Remember, the ‘Is Available in akoyaGO’ setting in the fund statement format must be ON to select it in the Fund.


Additionally, any fund statement formats marked as inactive in CRM will cause the fund statement format to default to akoyaGO Fund Statement.


Add a logo:


To add a logo to your fund statement, choose company information from the settings menu and add your image file to the Picture field.



fund statement Format for fundsfund statement Format for fundfund statement Format for f



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