



RELEASE NOTES: May 11, 2023


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 5/11/2023. Documentation has been updated or added to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support.


Please note that in this release no changes were pushed to GOapply (including Reviewer and GOapply for Third Parties). GOapply updates will be released at a later date. 



  • Bug Fixes
    1. The default expense account was filling in on Requirements even though it was not relevant to that record type. This has been fixed; no account will be assigned to Requirement records.
    2. For any Connection that is NOT Donor Portal Access, the Donor Portal Access section of the connection record will be hidden as it is only relevant to the Donor Portal Access Role.
    3. Because of issues with timing within flows, GOverify was not running when requests were created outside of the CRM (like from GOapply applications, for example). This has been fixed.
    4. Clients were reporting duplicate views showing up in their database following releases. We have identified and fixed this issue moving forward. The duplicate view has been removed from your systems. If clients are still seeing duplicate views in their database, their system admin (anyone with akoyaGO customizer security role) can go in and delete the duplicate view that has less dependencies.
    5. We fixed a bug that prevented team users from running GOverify in the akoyaGO non-accounting app.
    6. A bug in Fund Group was causing the fund statement to behave as if it was only running on one fund. This has been fixed, totals in consolidated statements will include all the funds in the group.
    7. We fixed a bug that was causing the Modified On date in the Internal tab to update when no real change occurred.
    8. GOverify: users experienced time-out errors if running GOverify on more than 10 records at a time. This has been fixed by having the user stay on the page and alerting them to when the process is done. This process has been documented in the GOverify whitepaper.
    9. Duplicate payments were being created on Requests due to conflicting workflows. This has been fixed by turning off the “on create” criteria of the autopopulate workflow.
    10. The views Gift Payments to Send to Accounting and Request Payments to Send to Accounting now exclude payment type = Interfund. 
  • Enhancements
    1. We've enhanced our ZIP/Postal code handling to accommodate Canadian postal codes. City, State/Province, and Country will update according to the ZIP/Postal code entered. 
    2. We have added a new field to Accounting Settings called Undeposited Funds Account. This field can be populated with whichever account you need, but if it is empty, the system will fall back on 1999 for undeposited funds.
    3. We have removed the words “Public Charity”, for example, from the IRS BMF Subsection of GOverify because the current description for 501(c)(3) organizations is "Public Charity", which is not accurate for certain organizations, such as Private Foundations.
    4. Inputting a ZIP/Postal code in the Constituent quick create form will auto fill the City, State/Province, County, and Country information.
    5. Views on Gifts, Gift payments, Contacts. Constituents, Requests, and Request payments now include color coding on the Special Request Status and Tax Status columns.
    6. We have removed the field Time to Complete from the Request form.
    7. The Constituent quick create form has been updated to include Institution Type and Account Name has been change to Constituent Name.
    8. Grant and gift payment records will now display CAD in the Amount field when the currency is CAD in the Internal Information tab for that record.
    9. There is a new field on Contact titled "GOdonate User", this is in anticipation of GOdonate.
    10. To prevent user error, we have removed the ability for the Primary and Secondary contact on a Donor record to be the same Contact.
    11. Auditing is now visible on Connection forms and shown under the "Related" tab.
  • New Features
    1. 990 Reports: akoyaGO is now equipped with grantee 990 reports. These include Schedule F part II, Schedule F part III, Schedule I part II, and Schedule I part III. They can be found in the Tools area under Reports.


Business Central


Note: Microsoft has added a button called Home to the menu on most pages. We are in the process of reorganizing the menu options to eliminate the need for the home button. In the meantime, if you can’t find the action that you’re looking for, check under Home.


  • Bug Fixes
    1. Fund statements weren’t abiding by the Sort By criteria established in the fund statement layout. This has been fixed. We recommend that you use the Group By and Sort By settings in tandem.
    2. The Balance Sheet by Fund was excluding inactive funds from the detail but including them in totals. This has been fixed. Inactive funds will be included in the detail as well as the totals.
    3. The net asset filter on the balance sheet by account was being truncated if it contained more than 250 characters, causing the report to be inaccurate without the user knowing. We have fixed this by inserting an error message telling the user that the filter has been truncated with an invalid value. Users will need to manually adjust the row definition to fix this.
    4. An error was discovered when running the Fund Fees Assessment; this has been fixed.
  • Enhancements
    1. The JIA process has changed; it will now be run by bank account. A new whitepaper has been created for this process. As part of this process, we have removed your ability to turn off JIA autopost in the G/L setup. JIA allocations will always autopost from now on.
    2. Fund statement layout by group: When running a consolidated fund statement, the layout will be that which is defined in the Fund Group settings (CRM).
    3. Business Central now supports functionality for GL account subcategories. Account subcategories can sync both ways from Business Central to CRM and CRM to Business Central. 



  • Bug Fixes
    1. Long fund names were covering the action buttons on the Fund Summary. This has been fixed by moving the buttons below the fund name on longer fund names.
    2. We have hidden the “Background Color” field in the GOfund theme settings because entering a value was breaking the GOfund UI. In addition to hiding the field, we have inserted a default value of #FBFBFB. 
    3. A bug was causing interfund grant recommendations to not create interfund records in CRM. This has been fixed.
    4. We have updated the view Active GOfund Connections to contain columns for the new permissions fields – Access to Gift History, Access to Grant History, and Document Access.
    5. The field Background Color has been hidden from the GOfund Settings form because entering data into that field was causing the GOfund site to crash.
  • Enhancements
    1. An option to run the fund statement by group has been added to GOfund. However, in order to see that option, the user must have a Donor Portal Access connection to each of the funds in the group.
    2. Posting Date was added as a column in the GOfund Gift History view, meaning that it now shows up in the UI, as well.
    3. We have added a dashboard for GOfund usage metrics that shows a summary of activity in GOfund such as recent grant recommendations, recently viewed fund statements, recent sign-ins, and GOfund invites.
    4. We have added a workflow that supports functionality for sending GOfund invitations for a future date. Details can be found in the GOfund Admin Guide.
  • New Features
    1. Two new subgrids have been added to GOfund Fund Summary page. One for pending fund disbursements and one for scheduled distributions. To support these grids, two new views have been added to Requests and Scheduled Distribution entities respectively. This functionality has been documented in the GOfund Admin Guide.
Comments (3)
  • Why can I no longer filter my views?

    Also, can we disable the following enhancement? It's hard to read the black text in the dark blue highlighting:
    - Views on Gifts, Gift payments, Contacts. Constituents, Requests, and Request payments now include color coding on the Special Request Status and Tax Status columns.

    Thank you,
  • Lupe did you hear back about this?  Can we disable it?