

RELEASE NOTES: June 22, 2023


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 6/23/2023 at 2AM CDT. Documentation has been updated or added to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support.





  • Bug Fixes


  • We have corrected validation for sending payments to accounting from a view. Previously, it was not validating that all required/recommended fields were filled in before sending to accounting.
  • We fixed a bug that caused new contacts on payments to not be properly sync’d to Business Central. Users were seeing an error to the effect of “Contact No. ORG-XXXXX not found” upon fiscal transfer.
  • The Send to Accounting has been restored to the toolbar in Payment views.
  • The bug that was creating duplicate payments on recurring gifts has been fixed. Please note that if you used the Process Scheduled Distributions template to create the workflow for recurring gifts, then you will need to update your custom workflow to no longer create a payment.
  • Anonymous grants will no longer display the name of the fund in the default request title.
  • We increased the character limit on the Pub 78 Name field to 500 characters. Long organization names were causing the page to error when they didn’t fit.
  • Enhancements


  • We’ve enhanced the Contact form so that users will now be prompted on change of First Name asking if they’d also like to update the Salutation.
  • We have updated the Parent/Guardian fields in the Scholarship tab of Request records to facilitate clarity. Fields were added for an email address and phone number for each guardian and the existing field names were made more specific.
  • The Colleague connection type is now reciprocal, meaning, users no longer have to assign both role types.
  • The Request form has been updated to auto fill Decision Date as the day the Request was approved or denied going forward. This field can still be manually updated if the decision date needs to be different.
  • Spouse connections have been enhanced so that any Contacts that have the Spouse lookup field filled in can be converted to the new way of doing Spouse connections via a workflow called Convert Spouse from Lookup to Connection. Spouse connections will now appear in a subgrid of the Family Connections tab.
  • The Recommended Grant field on Request has been moved into the main Summary tab, in the Awards section.
  • We have updated the logic on Request so that, upon changing the Applicant, you will be prompted with an option to change the Payee as well. Additionally, changing the Payee will prompt you with an option to update the payee on all existing payments.
  • Field "Net Account" is now called "Net Asset Account" to match what is shown in Business Central.
  • New Features


  • We have added a field to Interfunds called Grand Recommender that looks up to the contact record of the person who recommended the interfund grant on GOfund.
  • Three new reports have been added to support Contributor 990 reporting – Schedule A Part II, Schedule B, and Schedule M Part I. These reports can be accessed in the Tools area, Reports entity.



Business Central


Note: All Business Central clients have been upgraded to version 22. 


  • Bug Fixes


  • A bug related to multiple posting groups has been fixed. To fix, Allow Multiple Posting Groups is now on by default in all vendor records. 
  • The JIA Batch Balance Before Allocating and the Ending Balance fields were not including entries posted on the Statement Ending Date. This bug has been fixed.
  • The Fund Group name wasn’t rendering on the fund statement even when it was defined in the report dialogue.
  • A bug was causing the Compare Type column to fail after the Fund Group changed. This has been fixed.


  • Enhancements


  • All instances of “Akoya” and “” have been removed from Business Central sites. Anywhere “Akoya” or “” was found will now say “akoyaGO”.
  • All instances of Fund Statement Layout will now read Fund Statement Format.
  • Fund Statements run by fund group will now list the name of the fund group in the header of the report instead of listing the funds in the group.
  • Fund Statement Formats have a new field called Report Footer. Each Fund Statement Format can have a unique report footer. Report footers will appear on the last page of the fund statement or after each fund in a consolidated statement.
  • Fund Statements that have a comparison period set will show the date ranges being compared in the header of the statement.





  • Bug Fixes


  • We have made fixes surrounding HTML copy/pasting into HTML fields in form builder so that the results are valid for PDF rendering.
  • .heic files are now an allowable file type in GOapply.
  • The PDF page break setting in dynamic panels will now default to off because it was causing submission errors.
  • The ‘Contact Us’ link in the 400 error page was broken. We’ve hard coded this message to say, “If this problem persists, contact the foundation.” So your applicants will be directed to you. 
  • The form setting ‘Pdf html render as’ has been set to Standard by default. It was previously set to Auto, which was causing issues when viewing the submitted pdf. We’ve also set the ‘Pdf font size’ to 12 to remedy the same issue.  
  • When regenerating the submitted pdf, it will obey the PDF form settings that are set for that phase in GOmanager. It was previously ignoring those settings.  
  • Submission confirmation emails were being sent twice, we fixed this by making sure the submit date doesn’t get updated on create.  
  • We fixed a bug that caused the third-party files to be deleted when an application is set back to In-Progress and resubmitted. In a case where the third party files have already been uploaded and the application needs to be resubmitted, the third party files will not be lost. 
  • The ‘Privacy’ link has been removed from all GOapply sites because it was leading users to an invalid URL. 
  • There was a typo in the Invitation Only field in the opportunity quick view on the phase form. 
  • GOapply for Third Parties (Scholarships): You now must create the transcript/recommendation forms before you can add the transcript/recommendation panels in the main application. We have added functionality in GOmanager (Form Builder) that does not allow you to add transcript/recommendation panels if the transcript or recommendation form definitions don't contain data. If an application with transcript/recommendation panels goes live but does not contain transcript/recommendation form definitions, the applicant will get a specific error message alerting them as to what is wrong.


  • Enhancements


  • GOapply and all its related entities and forms has been moved to its own area and will be listed in the bottom left corner with Grants Management, Donor Management and Fund Management. There is no longer a need to navigate to a different app to access GOapply tables. (The GOapply application will still need to be chosen in order to Impersonate users.)
  • We’ve enhanced the registration process to prevent users from inputting Canadian business numbers in the EIN field and vise versa. Previously there was no error message, we have added error messages for the user.
  • We’ve updated the registration process to include confirmation of email address to mitigate errors. The user will now need to enter their email address twice upon registration.
  • Fields on the GOapply Opportunity form now have descriptive tooltips to facilitate user understanding.
  • Pasting from Word into comment question types has been improved. Bullet points, quotation marks, and all other symbols.
  • GOapply Admins can now re-submit applications in bulk on three levels: re-running the mapping, regenerating the PDF, or re-running the mapping and regenerating the PDF. A new whitepaper has been uploaded to GOsupport for instructions on this process. 
  • When the phase type = Interim Report or Final Report, the Requirement Received date on the Request will update to be the date the phase was submitted. 
  • A Users section has been added to the Organization Profile that will feature the ability to deactivate users.  
  • We have updated the PDF font options in the form settings to be only fonts that are supported. Your options for PDF fonts are now Courier, Helvetica, and Times New Roman. Forms that were previously using unsupported fonts will now use Helvetica by default. 
  • We have added new calculated fields on GOapply Opportunity and Phase forms -- Total Submissions, Total Requested, and Total Awarded. For more information, check the GOapply V2 Admin Guide. 
  • GOapply impersonations will now be tracked in the timeline of the GOapply Status Tracking Record. 
  • To prevent user error, it is not long possible to create new GOapply Users from within the CRM. GOapply Users must create their account in GOapply and undergo the approval process.
  • We have made it so that submissions will now save a draft if the submission fails. For example, if an applicant’s internet cuts out while the submission is processing, it will be put in their In Progress dashboard and the Status Tracking Record will still say it is in progress. Additionally, the applicant will be notified via email if their submission fails.  
  • For Third Party Responses (Scholarships):  
    • When third party response panels are used, the document move flow will move the submitted application PDF and any attachments to the Request regardless of whether the third-party responses have been received or not. This way, staff managing scholarships can view the PDF before transcripts/recommendations have been sent. 
    • Attachments from third party responses (i.e., transcripts or letters of recommendation) will no longer be stitched to the end of the third-party response PDF. They will be available as attachments (if Hide from Reviewer = No), in Reviewer. This allows for the option of ‘blind reviews’. 
    • We have added a subgrid in the applicant’s Submissions dashboard that allows them to resend transcript/recommendation requests or change the contact information for the third party. More information can be found in the GOapply for Third Party Responses Admin guide. 
    • The email fields in transcript and recommendation panels now include an input mask. 



GOapply Reviewer 


  • Bug Fixes 


  • Review Group Application records will now be connected via Request rather than Status Tracking Record. This way, reviewers will be able to see pertinent fields in the Request. 
  • Reviewer scores were not being recorded in the CRM or being recorded inconsistently. This has been fixed. 
  • Safari users were unable to view the PDF, this has been fixed. 
  • Issues with rendering the PDF on Safari (tablet and cell phone screens) has been fixed.
  • General issues with rendering applications in Safari have been fixed.


  • Enhancements 


  • We've added a field on Phase called GOmanager Modified On that will populate with the user who last updated the phase in Form Editor (GOmanager). See the GOapply V2 Admin Guide for more information. 
  • The reviewer PDF can now be overwritten by a PDF uploaded to a new field on the Status Tracking Record called Reviewer File. This process has been documented in the GOapply V2 Admin Guide and the GOapply Reviewer Admin Guide.
  • We have implemented color coding on the list of applications in a review group to denote the status. Green for completed, yellow for in-progress, and red for conflicts of interest.



  • Enhancements 


  • Connection views have been enhanced to include the GOfund Email Sent date.
  • The GOfund email invitation link will now expire 90 days after the record is created. Important to note, this is not from the Start Date on the form.


  • New Features


  • CRA and IRS search: GOfund has been equipped with CRA and IRS tax exempt organization search. This search was implemented as part of the grant recommendation process. GOfund users now have a Charity Search option in the organization field of the grant recommendation form. Two new fields in GOfund settings accompany this feature – Enable IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search and Enable CRA Charity Search. One or both must be on for the feature to be used. More information can be found in the GOfund Admin guide. 
  • Two fields have been added to GOfund Settings – Fund Statement Start Date and Fund Statement End Date. The functionality to support these fields will come in a future enhancement
  • Donations can now be accepted from GOfund. This feature is controlled by a field in GOfund Settings called Enable Donations under a new Donations tab. This functionality also requires a Stripe account. More information and instructions can be found in GOsupport.



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