






Grant request quick create


The request quick-create form is a feature that allows you to streamline the grant request creation process. This feature was introduced on June 16, 2022. If your organization was installed prior to that date, you will need to opt in for this feature. If you were installed after that date, this feature comes standard as part of your akoyaGO system.


When we talk about “quick-create” forms, we’re referring to a panel that slides out from the right side of your screen. You may have noticed this behavior when you create a Contact or Constituent on the fly from a look up field. Quick-create forms contain the relevant fields for a record to be created. After a record is created in quick-create, you can go back and flesh it out later if desired.  


Opt in


If you don’t need to opt in, skip ahead to the Using Request Quick Create section.


There are two ways to opt in for grant request quick-create.  


The first option is to reach out to our Support team ( and they will assist you with this process. Or you can turn on this functionality for yourself. It is a simple process.  


1. Go to and log in using your akoyaGO credentials.  You must be an akoyaGO Administrator and have the System Customizer role to access Power Apps.


2. Ensure the environment is correct. There is a default environment. Choose the environment that is your organization’s name if it is not selected.


3. Drop down the Dataverse option in the left-hand navigation panel and select Tables.



A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated



4. Make sure the tables shown are set to All. It may set to Recommended by default.


5. Scroll down until you see Request and click on it. Or search Request in the search bar.


 A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


6. Select Request and click Properties




7. A panel will slide out from the right side of the screen. Expand the Advanced Settings option.  




8. Scroll down until you see Leverage quick-create form if available. Check the box next to that setting. Click Save.



Using Request Quick Create


The grant request quick-create form can be accessed from any page in akoyaGO. You do not have to be in a request-related entity or record. 


As a best practice, however, we always recommend you start entering a Request from the Constituent record. That way, the Applicant and Payee fields will auto populate. 


To open the general grant request quick create form, open a Constituent record, go to the Requests tab, and choose + New Request.




The quick-create panel will slide out from the right side of the page.  

Next, all you have to do is fill in the form accordingly.  


Fill in the Quick Create Form


ApplicantThis is a lookup to Constituent. This field is Required. Select the Constituent. If you clicked +New Request from the Requests tab of the Constituent record, this field would auto populate. 

Primary Contact: This is a lookup to Contact. The Constituent's Primary Contact will default here. If you would like to change it to another contact, you can remove this contact record by clicking the X next to the name. Then, search for the appropriate contact.  

Request Type: this field defaults to Grant. You can change the grant type if it is not Grant. 

Program: a lookup to Programs. 

Title: if you leave this field blank, it will default to [Request Type] to [Applicant] by [Fund formal name].  

Request Recommender: a lookup to Contact. This field is most frequently used for Donor Advised Grants to list the recommender.  

Recommended Amount: enter the amount Recommended by the Recommender above. This field is most frequently used for Donor Advised Grants.

Payee: a lookup to Constituent. This is the Constituent that will be listed as the Payee on any Payments created for this Request. If you started from the Constituent to create a Request, this will default to the Applicant Constituent, unless this Constituent has a Default Payee assigned. If there is a Default Payee, that Constituent will populate here instead. You can change the Payee if necessary by clicking the X next to the Constituent's name and searching for a different Constituent.  

Fund: a lookup to Fund. 

Anonymous: yes or no. If yes, the default title if left blank will not include the fund name. This will cause the Payment Memo and Description in Business Central to exclude the fund name.

Original Grant: dollar amount of original grant. *IMPORTANT - If you add an Original Grant Amount from the Quick Create, this Request will be APPROVED when it is created. If you want the Request to remain PENDING, do not enter an Original Grant Amount.

Decision Date: if you are creating an Approved Request and have entered an Original Grant Amount, you should also choose a Decision Date. If you are creating a Pending Request, you can leave this field blank, as it will fill it when you Approve or Deny this Request.

Please note: the Decision Date will populate the Posting Date on the Payment record. You can change this date in the Payment record business process flow. 

From here, if you are satisfied with the Request, click Save and Close.  




Create the payment


akoyaGO will automatically create a payment for the request once the request has been approved. If you approved the Request upon creation (i.e. you entered an Original Grant Amount from the Quick Create Form), the Payment will be created at the same time as the Request.


If you created a Pending Request, you can approve a request in the top toolbar using the Approve/Deny option where Approve – Full = Requested Amount and Approve – Recommended = Recommended Amount.


Once a grant is approved, a payment will be created. Flip to the Payments & Requirements tab to view.


Process the grant payment and send to accounting as you normally would. Grant payments can be posted to any account type if need be. You will see a message warning you that the account type is unusual, but you can proceed with the transaction.