Four Levels of Information
To begin tracking, you will set up three levels of information for to generate an outcome score:
- The Outcome is a text field which captures the specific goal. Each grant can have multiple Outcomes.
- e.g. “Teach 34 teens how to play trumpet”
- The Measure is the descriptive unit of measurement. Each Outcome has one Measure.
- e.g. “Youth ages 13-18”
- Measures are stored in a list and can be used for multiple Outcomes, allowing you to aggregate for each Measure. Set up a Measure for each of the things you most often track as outcomes.
- The Unit is the basic categorization of the Measure. Each Measure has one Unit.
e.g. “People”
There are six Units to choose from, which allow users to measure both qualitative and quantitative outcomes. They include:
People (count) | Items (count) | Score 0-10 |
Milestone (yes/no) | Progress (percentage) | Grade A-F |
- The fourth level, the Outcome Score, is calculated based on the Unit. Each Outcome will provide a field for the Goal Value (except for milestone, for which there is only one goal option of “yes”) and the Result Value. Once the Goal Value and Result Value are entered, an Outcome Score is automatically calculated which translates the Outcome to success measured on a scale of 0-10. The Outcome Score allows users to aggregate across diverse units.
With the outcome score, you can compare relative success (results vs. goals) of very disparate projects. Outcome scores are only calculated for outcomes that have measurable goals.
Qualitative Versus Quantitative Measures
There are several ways to assess outcomes:
- Numerical: “How many homeless people are housed?”
- Progress: “50% fewer homeless people charged with loitering”
- Milestones: “Build the shelter by April 30, 2023.”
- Score or Rating: “Satisfaction rating of 8 out of 10, or better
You can define date(s) for progress or conclusion to set shared expectations. Satisfactory progress can be a condition of further payment.
“Hire curator by July 1, 2023”
Goal Versus Actual
Not only can you measure the outcome, but you can compare it to a goal agreed upon by the recipient
- Goal: 45 kids; Actual: 48 kids
- Goal: 3 mo reserve; Actual: 2.91 mo reserve
- Goal: open by Aug 31, 2015; Actual: Aug 6, 2015
Sums and Aggregates: You can combine multiple outcomes in one grant, in one program or in one period, place, grantee and funder. akoyaGO can aggregate different measures.
Setting up outcome measures
Steps to setting up Outcome Measures.
Outcome Measures
- Go to Grants Management
- Click on Outcome Measures
- Click on +New
- Enter Measure and select Measure Unit
Entering Outcome Measures in Applications
- In the Request record, go to the Outcomes tab and click on “+” to add a new outcome.
- Enter a specific Outcome to be measured
- Select one of the existing Outcome Measures, or create a new Outcome Measure
- Click Save (Unit will auto populate based on the selected Outcome Measure)
- In the Goal & Result section, enter the Goal Date and Goal Value (if applicable)
- Note: Goal Value is not applicable to Outcome Measures with a Unit of “Milestone”.
Each grant can have several Outcomes.
Entering Outcome - Actual Results
Once an applicant reports on the final outcomes, enter Result Date and Result Value in the Goal & Result tab.
akoyaGO will calculate the Outcome Score based on the Goal Value and Result Value.
Evaluating and filtering outcomes in view
The following are System Views:
- Active Outcomes
- All Outcomes by Measure
- All Outcomes by Request #
- Evaluated Outcomes by Measure
- Inactive Outcomes
You can filter views and compare multiple outcomes between grants, between programs or between periods, places, grantees and funders.