
RELEASE NOTES: August 3, 2023


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 8/3/2023. Documentation will be updated or added to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support.





  • Bug Fixes
    1. The ‘Last Year’s Grants’ field on Fund was excluding reversed payments in its calculation. We fixed the calculation so that it now includes reversed and partially reversed amounts. 
  • Enhancements
    1. Reversals on payments that have NOT been sent to accounting will no longer be allowed. This will prevent incorrect reversals. When trying to reverse a payment that had not been sent to accounting, users will see an error banner on the payment and the business process flow will lock, preventing the reversal action.
  • New Features
    1. akoyaGO without accounting: In the non-accounting app, we’ve added a popup for when the Grant Amount is different from the Amount in the Payment. This popup is informational in nature and will not prevent functionality. 


Business Central


  • Bug Fixes
    1. For consolidated fund statements, the Fund Group name will be in the header of the report rather than list the funds in the group.
  • Enhancements
    1. Auditor report enhancements: 
      • A ‘Show if no activity’ filter has been added to the options when running Auditor Report.
      • Data integrity checks that can tell if accounts are missing
      • Ability to use formulas in the auditor report set up
      • Accommodates amounts larger than 99 million
      • Department filter on report dialog
    2. Users can no longer edit the Credit Amount in the Deposits subgrid. Users can prepare and delete lines only.
    3. A new column has been added to the chart of accounts called Bank Balance. This column represents the sum of the balances in the bank accounts which have that g/l account assigned to the bank account posting group.
    4. For deposits, the Post as lump sum option will now default to ON.
    5. The Source No. will now be listed on gift revenue and grant expense lines in the general ledger.




  • Bug Fixes
    1. A bug was preventing log out in GOapply, including when impersonating a user. This bug has been fixed.
    2. Comment question types that contained "<” or “>" were failing to create a PDF on submission. This bug has been fixed by changing those symbols to quotation marks in the PDF.
    3. When mapping to a payment where ‘Requirement?’ = Yes, the mapping was changing ‘Type’ to Requirement. This will no longer happen. Mapping will never change the Type field on payments or requirements.
    4. A bug was causing applications with mappings to Requirement to create a duplicate requirement even when Create new if not found was off. This has been fixed.
  • Enhancements
    1. Transcript and recommendation panels now contain a ‘Note in email’ comment field where the applicant can send a note to their reference that will appear in the email to the reference.
    2. Organizations that have child/children constituents can now view applications that are in-progress or submitted by the child records. 
    3. On submission, the fiscal year field on request will only populate on phases where the phase type = application and fiscal year contains data.
    4. GOapply now supports accent marks and tildes. 




  • Bug Fixes
    1. Users without the recommend a grant permission in their connection record were still able to utilize the Repeat Grant function. This has been fixed. Users without recommend a grant permission will not see the Repeat Grant option. 
    2. Users were seeing incorrect data in the grant and gift history. This has been fixed.
  • Enhancements 
    1. The Pending Fund Disbursements subgrid on the Fund Summary has been renamed to Pending Recommendations/Submissions and a caveat has been added to the Pending amount that reads: “Amount does not include pending recommendations or scheduled distributions.”
    2. Subgrids that do not contain data will be hidden from the Fund Summary page.
    3. A new system view has been added to the akoyaGO with accounting app called GOfund Grant Recommendation Eligible Constituents that controls which Constituents are available in the list of Grantees in the recommend a grant form. Admins can edit this view to include/exclude constituents.
    4. When a user tries to use an invite link through which they have already registered, they will be redirected to the GOfund login page.
  • New Features
    1. Two fields have been added to GOfund Settings – Fund Statement Start Date and Fund Statement End Date. These dates are the parameters between which GOfund users can view the Fund Statement in GOfund.
    2. User Consent for account registration: a new setting in GOfund settings called Enable User Consent has been added. When ON, admins can customize the language for a user consent checkbox that will be mandatory at the ‘create a password’ step of registration.
    3. We have added functionality for the user to self-serve if their invitation link has expired. If they click on invite link that has expired, they will now see a message alerting them that the link is expired and giving them the option to resend the link by clicking a button on the page.


Comments (2)

  • I never knew about the impersonate, learned about it at the conference.  That is a great thing!  Used it right away to help someone.