GOfund Frequently asked questions

Transitioning to the GOfund portal for your Fund Holders? This FAQ guide provides questions from fellow users and answers from our akoyaGO experts. 



What does the transition from FundWeb to GOfund look like?


akoyaGO project managers will work with your team to create your GOfund URL, adjust settings, teach you how to navigate and use the platform, and do bulk connections for you once you're ready.


Follow our GOfund Implementation Overview for more information.



Can a minimum Grant Recommendation amount be set?


Yes, you can set the minimum amount on the Grant Recommendation Form.  


How to - the Minimum Amount field is found in the GOfund Settings entity under the Recommend Grant Form tab.



What if one Fund Holder has relations with multiple different funds?


GOfund access is all based on connections between a contact and a fund. This means that one individual can be connected to several funds, each with it's own unique fund connection and set of permissions. Each time a new fund connection is established, the Fund Holder will receive an email notification to let them know they've been given access to another fund.



How do we address fund holders without an email or those who do not want to engage online? 


  • For those who do not have an email address on file with your organization, we recommend an email collection campaign via phone calls or in person events to collect this information. Fund specific statements can also be pulled from the system and provided via snail mail if that is what the donor elects to do.

  • For donors who need extra help online - foundation staff can impersonate a donor in GOfund to see what they are seeing and help troubleshoot.



Will I be able to see Fund Holders' activities in GOfund?


Yes, each GOfund user’s activities will be recorded and stored in akoyaGO CRM. The GOfund Usage Metrics Dashboard is a great place to start! GOfund users are all created with connections between a fund and a contact record, meaning that all user activity will tie back to those entities in the CRM, including the contact timeline.





Will we be able to include our foundation's fund policies in GOfund?


Yes, GOfund offers an optional Documents tab for globally shared resources and fund specific resources. Refer to the GOfund Admin Guide for more information.


Another option would be to add information to the GOfund homepage through the RSS feed or add a linked resource in your FAQ page in GOfund.




How will Fund Holders find out about the launch of GOfund?


Foundations are responsible for sending donor communications prior to the "launch date". We recommend communicating the transition to the new donor portal one or two times before the GOfund invitation emails are sent from the system. Encourage donors to look out for more emails from the GOfund site, on the day of your launch.


Account Managers can provide you with example emails from current users. Also check out examples in the GOfund Forum.




Can a Fund Holder change the name and purpose of their funds?


If you allow Fund holders the ability to update their Fund Profile; then, yes, they will have the ability in GOfund to update their profile, fund name, and fund purpose.   


How to - control Fund Holder permissions in the fund connection process by toggling on and off the appropriate permissions for each fund.




Can a Fund Holder recommend a grant to an organization not listed in the akoyaGO constituent list?


Yes, they will be able to enter a new organization in the Grant Recommendation form, using the full name of the organization.


How to - Fund Holder will select "new organization" in the search bar if they are unable to find the organization they are looking for. Foundation staff can also edit the list of eligible constituents that populate in GOfund, by editing the system view.




Can we customize the Header and Footer Text in real-time?


Yes, you will have the ability to update text for announcements, banner messages, and description boxes in GOfund Settings.


How to - add your personalized messaging to the GOfund settings fields in the Tools area of your CRM. Edit, save, then refresh your GOfund page to see the changes. For sample messaging, ask your Account Manager!




Do I need to implement two-factor authentication (aka double-authenticity) when Fund Holders sign-in to the GOfund? 


No, this is a toggle option in GOfund settings that can be turned on or off based on your organization's security standards.


How to - toggle 2FA "off" in GOfund Settings entity in the Tools area of your CRM.




What are the different out of the box email templates for GOfund?


There are three main email templates for GOfund Invitation Emails:


GOfund Invite New User – That is with a user specific URL to register for the first time and login to their fund. This is sent if the user is not in the akoyaGO SQL database (aka never signed into GOapply or GOfund) and has been connected to their first fund.

GOfund First time login – The user has a GOapply login but this is their first Donor Portal connection. Therefore, they can login to GOfund with their GOapply credentials or select reset password.

GOfund Access to a New Fund – They have a login for GOfund and they have a prior/additional fund connection. Therefore, they can just click the link and login to GOfund to view their multiple connected funds.



How to - Edit these templates to add your organization's logo and custom verbiage in the Email Templates entity in the Tools area of your CRM.




Is there the ability for fund holders with multiple relationships to see a consolidated fund statement?


The fund statements are not consolidated at this time; however, this could be a future product enhancement.




Can fund holders see their balance in real time?


Fund balance data pulls directly from Business Central. If the transactions have not been processed/posted in Business Central, they will not show in GOfund. 




Are there any recommended data cleanup steps prior to fundholders being able to access GOfund?


Review your system views and fund statement layouts to make sure the data is displaying accurately and looks visually appealing (fund statement formatting).   

How to - Make changes to the format of fund statements by following the suggestions in our Fund Statement Format article.