





RELEASE NOTES: September 14, 2023


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 9/14/2023. Documentation will be updated or added to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support.




  • Enhancements
    1. Gift & Request Payment form changes: based on feedback from users, we have enhanced gift and request payment forms.
      • Request payment:
        • We have rearranged the fields in the Details tab and grouped them into the following blocks: Payment Status Information, Requirement Information, Payment Information, Accounting Information, Reversal Information, Non Cash Valuation, and Interfund Information.
        • Added a new tab for the Timeline
        • Added a new tab for Fund/Grantee Information: this tab is dynamic and will fill with info depending on the Fund and Grantee chosen.
      • Gift payment:
        • We have rearranged the fields in the Details tab and grouped them into the following blocks: Payment Status Information, Accounting Information, Payment Information, Reversal Information, Pledge Information, Stock Information, and Interfund Information.
        • New tab for Fund/Donor information: this tab is dynamic and will fill with info depending on the Fund and Donor chosen.
    2. New field in accounting settings called Reversal Override Date that is the maximum posting date for which gifts/grants payments can be reversed if they were not originally created in akoyaGO and fiscally transferred to Business Central. Meaning, you cannot reverse payments with a date later than the Reversal Override Date. Upon release, existing accounting clients' Reversal Override Date field will be populated with the Reapportion From date. You can change this date if you desire.
    3. We have removed the Request Recommender field from Request.
    4. We have added the Activities entity to the GOapply workspace.
    5. We have removed the Send to Accounting form from gift payments and request payments.
    6. We have updated the system views Requests to Advance to Final Reporting Phase and Requests to Advance to Interim Reporting Phase by removing the criteria next requirement due contains data. 

Business Central

  • Bug Fixes
    1. We have fixed an error wherein the posting description and memo entered on Purchase Invoices were not copying to the expense lines in G/L entries. Instead, the fields in G/L entries were blank, causing blank details in FundWeb/on Fund Statements. The Description/Comment Field will be ignored if the Posting Description field is populated. G/L Entries will use Posting Description if populated, else it will use the Description. Memo will also flow through.
    2. Recalculate Net Assets function wasn’t picking up the accounts, which resulted in net asset amounts being doubled in the akoyaGO fund form. This has been fixed.
    3. Fund Total Net Asset amounts were doubled when the totaling account was present. This has been fixed. 
    4. Fund Statements were not rendering properly when there was no activity during the date range. This has been fixed.
    5. There were issues when reapportionment was concurrently requested. This has been fixed. Reapportionment calls can now be concurrently requested.
  • Enhancements
    1. We have created a new report called Trial Balance by Account-Fund that shows the opening, credit, debit, and closing of G/L accounts broken down by fund. 
    2. For consolidated checks (multiple vendors per document), the Description will now show the Vendor Name as opposed to the Vendor No.


  • Bug Fixes
    1. We have fixed a bug that allowed users to submit phases that had been deactivated in akoyaGO CRM.
  • Enhancements
    1. New setting: Documents and Attachments Setting. We have added a setting that gives you more options on how the submitted PDF and attachments are handled. More information in the GOapply Admin Guide. 
    2. Document move flows have been moved into our code. Document move no longer depends on flows. Documents can be uploaded to Request, Request Primary Contact, and Request Applicant. More information in the GOapply Admin Guide.
    3. We have improved the visibility of read-only fields.
    4. GOapply Reviewer will now scale to the size of the screen. 


  • Bug Fixes
    1. The Donor Portal Access fund connection end date was not holding, causing users whose access should have ended to still have access. This has been fixed, the system will obey the connection start and end dates. 
    2. Fund Statements were not displaying when the Fund Name contained commas. This has been fixed.
    3. The Repeat Grant button was not filling in information from the previous grant. This has been fixed.
    4. Users were getting errors when trying to access Documents. This has been fixed.
    5. The Invite New User workflow was referencing the email template for an existing user with a new fund connection. This has been corrected. 
    6. We have fixed the logic behind fund statement start and end dates. They will no longer prioritize year to date by default, but rather will prioritize the start and end dates established in GOfund settings. If those fields are null, then the fund statement default will be year to date. 


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