



GOdonate Admin Guide 


GOdonate is a public-facing site that collects donations and displays funds and interests. GOdonate works in conjunction with the akoyaGO CRM to collect and store data from GOdonate transactions. This guide is intended for foundation staff managing GOdonate.



GOdonate also works in conjunction with Stripe – an online payment processing service.


Please note: It is the foundation’s responsibility to establish and administer their stripe account. Go to to start the process.


Stripe offers discounts to non-profit organizations. You can find more information here:


For more information on Stripe account setup, please see the Stripe Account Setup whitepaper on GOsupport.


GOdonate Settings will need your Stripe API keys. For instructions on how to find your Stripe Keys, please see the Obtaining Stripe API Keys for GOdonate video on GOsupport.


GOdonate in CRM


Let’s take a look at all the components of akoyaGO CRM that support GOdonate. Please make sure the CRM components are set up to your liking before taking your GOdonate site live.


Fund records


In each Fund record, there is a subgrid called GOdonate. This subgrid contains an enabling field and a title slug field.


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The GOdonate Enabled field will default to No. It is a dropdown Yes/No field. If Yes, the fund will be available to accept donations in GOdonate. If No, the fund will be hidden from GOdonate. If the field is null (blank), the fund will be hidden from GOdonate as well.


Title Slug: A title slug is a great tool to use when you want a clean, easy to remember url. A slug is the part of a URL that identifies a particular page on a website in an easy-to-read form. The slug replaces the string of letters and numbers known as a GUID. The title slug will appear in the url after /fund/.

To create a title slug, type the words you want to use separated by hyphens. For example, “bill-berrier-fund”.


Here is a url without a title slug:



And here is a url with a title slug:




Public Fund Image


GOdonate will use, if applicable, the public fund image for the fund’s card and details page in GOdonate.




If the Public Fund Image is blank, the fund image will default to the image you choose as the fund default image in your GOdonate settings (we will look at this more closely in the GOdonate Settings section of this document).

Public Fund Image, when displayed in GOdonate, the image has a max-width 640px and max-height 480px.




In Interest records in your akoyaGO CRM, there are several GOdonate settings.


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  1. GOdonate enabled: Yes or No. If Yes, the interest will be listed on your GOdonate site. Upon installation, will default to Null. If enabled, Interests will appear as categories in GOdonate.




  1. GOdonate Icon Class Name: this field utilizes HTML code from


This site is very easy to use. Simply search for an icon,




select the one you like from the list,

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The image cards with Pro on them will not work unless your organization is subscribed to a Pro account with Font Awesome.


Note the options to edit the icon, especially the size option. We recommend you use the 2XL option.


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copy the HTML portion between the quotation marks and paste into the Icon Class Name field.




It will look something like this:

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Contact Record


In each contact record, there is a Donor Related section on the Summary tab.




After a user registers and verifies their email, the GOdonate Email Confirmed field will flip to Yes.


If a user is having trouble logging in, check and make sure the GOdonate Email Confirmed field is Yes.

GOdonate settings


GOdonate settings live in the Tools workspace of your akoyaGO CRM and include general, theme, and fund detail settings. This is where you control the look and feel of your GOdonate site.





GOdonate Settings: General Tab


In the General tab you will find three sections – General Settings, Stripe Settings, and Customized Text. Let’s take a closer look at each.




General Settings



  1. Allow Sign Ins: if off, the registration and sign in links will be removed from the home page. If Yes, users can register or sign in.
  2. Foundation User: this must be a User, not a Contact, the user listed here will be the person listed in the From line in GOdonate emails. Please ensure the user you choose is set up to send emails from akoyaGO.
  3. GOdonate URL:  this will be filled in by your GOdonate project manager upon implementation. This field will lock once it contains data.
  4. Foundation User: this field defines who GOdonate emails will be 'from'. This field looks up to User records, not Contacts.
  5. Enable Designated Giving: when ON, users will see an additional field in the donation form where they can choose between a general unrestricted donation or a designated purpose. If Designated purpose is checked, an additional text box will appear where they can type their intention for the donation. 
  6. Enable Google ReCAPTCHA: Google ReCAPTCHA enables web hosts to distinguish between human and automated access to websites. If on, this feature will run silently in the background. Users will not notice this process.
  7. Minimum Donation Amount: Optional. Set the minimum amount that users will be able to give.
  8. Maximum Donation Amount: Optional. Set the maximum amount that users will be able to give. 


Stripe Settings


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  1. Stripe Publishable Key, Stripe Secret Key, and Stripe Webhook Key: These are the values from your stripe account. Please see the Obtaining Stripe API Keys for GOdonate video on GOsupport for instructions on how to find your Stripe API keys.


Customized Text


All of the following fields are optional, this is where you can add messaging to your GOdonate site.


  1. Home Page Text: Rich text editor, the content in this field will appear at the top of your GOdonate home page, as shown below. Please note that images are not supported in rich text fields.




  1. Home Page Text Background: this field controls the opacity of the home page hero image.


  1. Sign In Instructions: Rich text editor. If sign ins are enabled, this text will appear under your logo on the sign in page, as shown below. Please note that images are not supported in rich text fields.




  1. Contact Us Page Text: Rich text editor. Enter the contact information of the person/people that you want GOdonate users to contact with potential questions. This will appear in the Contact Us tab of GOdonate. Please note that images are not supported in rich text fields.


A screenshot of a contact usDescription automatically generated


  1. Donation History Disclaimer Text: Rich text editor. If sign ins are enabled, signed in users will be able to see their donation history. This is your opportunity to offer any disclaimers surrounding their donation history. Will appear at the top of the donation history page. Please note that images are not supported in rich text fields.




  1. Donation Confirmation Text: Rich text editor. Will appear above the donation receipt after a donation is processed. Please note that images are not supported in rich text fields.




  1. Checkout Sign In Text: For non-signed in users, this site will recommend they sign in for a better experience. Here you can control the text, as shown below.




  1. Checkout Sign In Description Text: For non-signed in users, this site will recommend they sign in for a better experience. Here you can control the text, as shown below.




  1. Donation Receipt Register Text: For non-signed in users, this site will recommend they register an account for a better experience after their donation is processed. Here you can control the text, as shown below.




GOdonate Settings: Theme Tab


The Theme tab of GOdonate Settings is where you can upload the logo image and set the main colors for your GOdonate site.






If empty, the image fields will default to an image that lists the maximum dimensions of the field.


  1. Primary Logo: will appear on the sign in page, to the left of where users enter credentials.


A screenshot of a login pageDescription automatically generated

  1. Homepage Hero Image: will appear across the top of the home page, behind your home page text. Recommended maximum image width is 1110px.




  1. Navbar Logo: will appear in the top left corner and will hold through each page of the site.




  1. Default Fund Image: upload an image file for fund cards of funds with no public fund image. If this field is empty, the fund card will default to a hard-coded image.




Click the color box to select color. Use the Custom tab to enter HEX or RGB codes and control the transparency.





















GOdonate Settings: Fund Details


The fund details tab is where you can edit the details shown on each fund’s page when a user clicks Learn More.   


Featured Funds on Home page


You can display three featured funds under the Fund Spotlight section of the home page. Fill in one, two, or all three if you wish. If you want to forego a fund spotlight, then leave these fields blank.






Fund Details Page


The Fund Detail page is what opens when a user clicks Learn More on a fund card and will look something like this:




The fund details that you choose below will appear under the fund image.


You can customize which fields are included in the fund’s details page. The fields you choose will apply to all funds site-wide.




This section has three columns. From left to right they are:

  1. Options: the options are dropdown fields that contain all fields found in a Fund record (including custom fields). Select the field that you want to display. After selecting a field, the Label and Field name columns will auto populate. The order of the options in CRM will correspond with how the fields are displayed in GOdonate, meaning, Fund Details Option 1 will be at the top and so on.
  2. Label: you can change what GOdonate users see by editing what is in the label fields. For example, Purpose could say Fund Purpose, or Established could say Year Established. This is to make the fund details page make more sense to your users. This is optional, you don’t have to change the label.
  3. Field name: these are the logical names of the fields selected in the Options column. These fields will be locked, and users will not see these names.


GOdonate User Registration


For the GOdonate Admin, below is a breakdown of how we handle registrations.


GOportal Identity Database: A user database for the GO suite of products – GOapply, GOfund, and GOdonate. All of these products utilize a single login experience for users. We maintain users across platforms in the GOportal Identity Database. Each user (email address) may only appear once in the GOportal Identity Database.


User Status

 Registration process

Exists in GOportal Identity Database and exists in akoyaGO as a contact

Redirect to login page. User will need to input their same password from the other site.

Exists in GOportal Identity Database and does not exist in akoyaGO as a contact

Create contact in akoyaGO
 Send email to verify email*

Does not exist in GOportal Identity Database and does not exist in akoyaGO as a contact

Create user in GOportal
 Create contact in akoyaGO 
 Send email to verify email*

Does not exist in GOportal Identity Database and exists in akoyaGO as a contact

Create user in GOportal

Send email to verify email*


*No historic data is shared until the email is verified.


GOdonate user experience


GOdonate is meant to be a public-facing website where non-fund holders can go to make donations. As such, users are not required to be invited or sign up to use GOdonate. However, we do encourage that users create an account as this will help track their donations in your akoyaGO CRM and logged in users get the benefit of seeing their donation history. 


Let’s look at the user experience and how the donation travels from GOdonate to your akoyaGO CRM.


Registration/Sign In


To create a new account, the user should click Register. If they already have an account, they should click sign in and enter their email address and password. 




The registering user will be taken to a short form where they will enter their first and last names, their email address, and a password. Please see the GOdonate User Registration section above to see how we handle user registration with regard to akoyaGO CRM contact records.


The user will then be sent an email with a verification link, which they need to click on in order to sign in. Once they click the verification link, the GOdonate Email Confirmed field in their contact record will flip to Yes.




If the user does not receive the verification email, or if they lose the verification email before verifying, they can attempt to log in and select the option to resend the verification email.



Update Password


Users can change their password by using the forgot password link on the log in page or they can change their password in their profile manager.







The GOdonate home page features up to three spotlighted funds and the fund categories list. 


Clicking Learn More on a fund card will take the user to the fund’s detail page. 


Clicking on a fund category will take the user to the fund catalog filtered for that category. 


Fund Catalog


The fund catalog is a list of all enabled funds. Users can search the list by fund name (keyword search) or they can filter the list by category in the drop down. 




Users can make a donation from the Donate Now dropdown, which is present in the top right corner of every page, or they can donate from within a fund’s detail page. Users can make a donation whether they are registered/signed in or not.






Amount: required field for all donations. Fill in with dollar amount.


Purpose: users should check whether their donation’s purpose is general or designated. The form will default to General (unrestricted).


  1. Dedicated purpose: if they select Designated purpose, a new field will appear in which they can type in the purpose. This field maps to the GOdonate Transation record (see below) and to the associated Gift record. 1000 characters maximum.


Add Dedication (In memory/honor): to add a dedication, click Add dedication in the donation form. Choose whether it's in memory or honor, fill in the name of the person it is dedicated to, and then fill in the contact information of who should receive notification of the gift. The information entered in the dedication will map to the associated gift record in the Honor / Memorial section. 





Non-signed in donations: users will need to enter information for a donor if they are not signed in/registered. The form will differ slightly between individual and organization donors. The form will default to Individual.



Signed in donations: akoyaGO will look for Donors associated (primary or secondary contact) with the user’s contact record. The user will get to choose those donors from a drop down or create a new one if they wish.



Gift acknowledgement: After entering their contact information (if not signed in) or selecting their donor (if signed in) the user will be required to select how they wish the gift to be acknowledged. 


  • The name listed above: The gift will be acknowledged as the name they entered (if not signed in) or the formal default on the Donor record (if signed in).
  • Preferred Donor Name listed below: If selected, a new field will appear below where the user can enter the name they wish to use to be acknowledged for this gift.
  • Listed as anonymous: The donation will be listed as anonymous in the Gift record.

Payment Page


Users will then be prompted to enter their credit card information.



During payment processing the ReCAPTCHA will run in the background if Enable Google ReCAPTCHA is on in GOdonate settings.


GOdonate will prevent users from repeating a payment for a transaction where a payment has already been processed. If, for example, a user tries to hit the back button on their browser after completing a transaction, they will see this message:




Donation History


Signed in users can view their donation history by clicking Donation History in their user dropdown.



They can alter the date filters at the top of the page and export the history to a PDF. The date filters will default to current year to date.



View My Funds

Signed in user who also have a Donor Portal Access fund connection (GOfund), will see an additional option in their user dropdown called View My Funds. Clicking this option will take them into GOfund where they will be fully signed in and able to access their Fund Statement, Gift History, Grant History, etc.

GOdonate Transactions


Once a donation is started, it becomes a GOdonate transaction record in your akoyaGO CRM. GOdonate transactions is an entity in the Donor Management workspace.


Status Reason:

  • Active: Corresponds with pending_stripe_payment_intent payment status
  • Paid: Corresponds with succeeded payment status
  • Waiting for Payment: A payment method has not been entered, corresponds to requires_payment_method payment status
  • Denied: Payment was not processed successfully, Stripe denied this payment.
  • Completed: Everything has been completed, including gift record creation. A business rule in your system states that once the gift record is populated, the status reason will change to Completed.

Payment Status:

  • Succeeded: The payment was fully processed successfully.
  • Pending_Stripe_Payment_Intent: This status is a place holder. GOdonate needs to notify Stripe of a payment before it can make a request for that payment, this is called Payment Intent. If you have GOdonate Transaction records that are stuck in this status, it means the user did not submit the donation. 
  • Requires_Payment_Method: The donation was not completed, the user abandoned the donation before entering a payment method.


The GOdonate transaction will also contain the dedication fields if applicable in the Memory/Honor section.


The gift record will populate a lookup field in the GOdonate transaction record.


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The gift record is created automatically through a workflow, but in the case the workflow fails, you can run it manually in the Flow drop down at the top toolbar. GOdonate Process Completed Donation.




From here, process the gift payment as you normally would.


Donations from a non-signed in user: will have a status of Paid and will get put into a view on GOdonate Transactions called GOdonate Transactions for Review. A donor will be created via a workflow called GOdonate Transaction New Donor Creation. This flow will need to be run on demand on a case-by-case basis during the transaction review. Once a donor is created, it will fill in the donor in the transaction record, and once a donor exists in the record, a gift record will be created as well. The gift creation workflow will run automatically once Donor contains data, but it can also be run on demand if need be (GOdonate Process Completed Donation).






What happens if a payment is declined?


A GOdonate transaction record will be created. There is a Stripe status field on the record that stores the Stripe response.





If a Stripe payment fails, the user will see it live on the payment page, with the error message. The user will not be able to progress to the Donation Complete page without a successful payment.


Workflows and Email Templates




GOdonate Transaction New Donor Creation: lives in the GOdonate Transactions entity. Creates a new donor record for non-signed in donations.


GOdonate Process Completed Donation: will run automatically after a transaction is submitted but can also be run on demand. This workflow primarily creates the gift record. This workflow requires a gift fee to operate. Before activating the workflow, ensure that there is a gift fee filled in. You can find the field for the gift fee in the first step > set properties > scroll all the way down to the bottom and fill in the fee in the Vendor Fee Type field.


We recommend that you create a new fee called GOdonate Gift Fee that will apply to all GOdonate transactions. 




Email Templates


Please note: in GOdonate email templates, the curly brackets { } signify a hard coded field. The flat brackets [ ] signify fields that you can and should edit to your needs.


GOdonate Donation Confirmation Email: email that the donor gets after a successful transaction. Out of the box, this email will include the donor's name, the fund they gave to, and the amount they gave. If you want the fund to be included in the confirmation email, this is the email template that you must use.


GOdonate Payment Receipt: not an email, but what is displayed to user after successful donation in UI


GOdonate Reset Password: email the user gets to reset their password

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