


How to Post manual checks


Processing Manual Checks


"Manual Checks" are checks or payments not printed through Business Central.


  1. To log a manual check in the system, from the home screen in Business Central, select “+Post Payments” from the Actions menu 

  2. Click on the name of the desired journal batch (the account from which the check(s) should be written) 

  3. Select “Prepare” then “Suggest Vendor Payments 



Suggest Vendor Payments filter pane:

  • In the “Last Payment Date” enter the latest due date (estimated payment date for grants) you want to include in your check run 
  • Enter the “Posting Date” you want to be printed on the checks 
  • Enter any other filter you wish to use, then click OK 

4. If necessary, remove any payment lines you do not wish to process at this time (Select the line, then select the vertical dots and choose “Delete Line”) 


5. Enter the following information: 

  • Posting Date: Date on the check 
  • Document No.: The check number
  • Payment Method Code: Check
  • Bank Payment Type: Manual Check

6. After you’ve confirmed the information entered is correct, the final step for manual checks is “Process” and “Post” (or “Post and Print” if you want a report of the payment run).​​​