
v. 3.0 ; 11/16/2023



creating fiscal years and program budgets



This guide will walk through the creation of a Fiscal Year (Fiscal Period) and the addition of Program Budgets. Programs can be described as categories or areas of giving that a Foundation supports and are specific to Requests.


The recommended practice is to create these records prior to the start of a new Fiscal Year (Fiscal Period).

fiscal years


A Fiscal Year record must be created to allow for the calculation of budgetary amounts of a specific Fiscal Period.


From the Tools workplace, select the Fiscal Years entity, and click +New in the top ribbon.




Fill in the Fiscal Year description and the dates of the Fiscal Period.


Note: Fiscal Periods that do not align with the standard calendar year can be chosen.



Note: You will not be able to add a Total Budget amount to the Fiscal Year record. The amount will reflect the sum of Program Budget amounts.


Save the Record.


program budgets


Program Budgets can be created from its direct entity, or from within a Fiscal Year record (recommended).


To add a Program Budget from a Fiscal Year record, open the second tab, and select + New



The Fiscal Year will auto-populate. Enter a description, the Program to be budgeted, and the budgeted amount.



Save the record.


Continue to add Program Budgets to the Fiscal Year, as needed.


Each Program Budget amount will be added to the FY records total budget amount.


Adding program budgets to requests and/or Request Payments


With at least one Program Budget set up, it can be added to any Request records.



Once the item is selected, the Fiscal Year will automatically populate.


(The “Requested Amount” field on a Request is the amount that will be reflected in the calculation)


Program Budgets can also be added directly to a Request Payment via the Budget Line Item field in the Accounting Information section. However, if a Program Budget has been assigned to the parent Request record, the request payment will inherit that value, but can be modified to be applied to a different budget if needed.


calculated allotments in fys and budgets


Once a Request has been assigned a Program Budget, the amounts will be automatically calculated in both the Program Budget record and the Fiscal Year.



In this example, only one Program has been added to the FY’s total budget :




Tip: Amounts are calculated automatically every thirty minutes. To manually calculate, click on the calculator icon next to the amount field, and select Recalculate.












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