

RELEASE NOTES: December 7, 2023


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 12/7/2023. Documentation will be updated or added to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support.


 If you are receiving a script error when loading screens in akoyaGO, please clear your browser cache and cookies. Script errors can occur after an update because the browser is searching for the "older version" of the page. Clearing cache and cookies allows your browser to refresh and acknowledge the updated version of the page. If you continue to experience script errors, please submit a support case so that our team can troubleshoot further.  



  • Bug Fixes
    1. We have fixed the Repeat this Gift workflow so that it creates the gift payment as well as the gift. Please note that the original gift record must include a fund for this workflow to function properly.
    2. We have fixed a bug in which, upon creating a Spouse/Partner connection, the spouse/partner salutation was not filling in in the Family Connections tab of the Contact record.
  • Enhancements
    1. akoyaGO with Accounting – Financial Reports in CRM: A new tab has been added to Fund records called Financial Reports. Here, users can define up to three financial reports to display. The reports are defined in Business Central > General Ledger Setup > akoyaGO section > Reporting subsection. Please be aware: this feature will give akoyaGO CRM users access to financial reports. If you do not want to enable this feature, the akoyaGO Admin of your organization will need to hide the Financial Reports tab using your Power Apps portal. 
    2. Gift quick create now includes a pop-up alerting users if the total gift amount(s) is different from the Commitment. 


Business Central

  • Bug Fixes
    1. We have fixed a bug in which the comparison date headers were not printing for non-consolidated, multi-fund statements.
    2. In the Trial Balance Detail/Summary, we have noted which filter fields have been deprecated. You will see “(Deprecated)” when filtering.
    3. There were issues with displaying fund statements in CRM when the Fund Statement Format used certain Comparison Types. This has been fixed.
    4. We have fixed a bug in which admin fees were not pulling back into the 1999 (undeposited funds) after reversal. Please note that this fix will not apply to deposits made prior to 12/7/23.
  • Enhancements
    1. We have changed a filtering option on Account Category in the G/L from Equity to Net Asset, as this follows Business Central’s out of the box functionality. If you were filtering on Equity, you will now use Net Asset instead.
    2. We have removed the following fields from the Fund Fees section of the General Ledger Setup because they were obsolete: Accum. Earn. Net Asset Acct. No. and Spendable Net Asset Acct. No. from the Fund 
    3. We have added a new report layout for the Trial Balance Detail/Summary Report. This new layout includes Fund, Department, Source Type and Source Name columns. Note: This new layout is not the default, it will need to be selected manually from the report dialog. When the new layout is selected, Print Transaction Detail and Print Source Names toggles need to be on to see the new columns. Print Source Name cannot be turned on until Print Transaction Detail is on.
    4. Fund Statement enhancements: the following changes have been implemented to the Fund Statement report in Business Central. These changes were deployed on 11/7/23. 
      • Single Spaced: the lines on the fund statement will now be single spaced.
      • Column Spacing: the columns of the report have been resized to be more proportional.
      • Users can now determine the labels for the Comparison columns, if applicable, in the Fund Statement Format settings. These labels can only be set per Fund Statement Format.
      • The Primary Fund Donor will now show in the header of the Fund Statement (per fund). This can be turned on or off in the Fund Statement Format settings. Users can also determine the label that introduces the Primary Fund Donor in the Fund Statement Format settings.
      • When no comparison is set, the date range above the amount column will not appear. The date range will only be listed in the header of the report. 


  • Bug Fixes
    1. We have fixed a bug in which long dashes ( – ) in single line questions types were causing the formatting to break on the PDF. 
    2. We have fixed a bug in which special characters in the folder name of the document location were breaking file mapping to Constituents.
    3. We have fixed a bug in which the progress percent in the Status Tracking record was reverting to 96% after being submitted. All submitted opportunities, regardless of actual amount completed, will read 100% in the Progress field.
    4. We have fixed a typo in the Institution Type field of the Fiscal Sponsor/Payee dynamic panel.
    5. We have fixed a bug in which the constituent's GUID was appearing in the PDF in cases where applicants could choose from a list based on a CRM view (Target View).
    6. GOapply Reviewer: the following bug fixes pertain to GOapply Reviewer
      • We have fixed a bug in which the reviewer comments view was going off the page (after about ten questions) and users were not able to scroll to the end. The fix includes lateral scrolling for viewing reviewer comments.
      • We have fixed a bug in which the Recommended Award Status question was appearing on review forms of reviewers who were NOT designated as the lead reviewer. 
  • Enhancements
    1. We have split the In Progress and Submissions dashboards into two separate tabs for a more intuitive user experience.
    2. We have added page numbers to the submitted PDF. The format is a centered footer that reads, "Page [X] of [X]".
    3. If all Organization Profile fields are set as Read Only, or if the Form Setting Mode is set to Display, there will no longer be a popup offering applicants a chance to edit their organization profile when they start a new phase.
    4. Users now have the option of printing or downloading a blank copy of the application. This functionality is controlled by a switch in the Opportunity record. Find more information in the GOapply V2 Admin guide.
    5. We have enhanced registration for organizations to include the AKA, Department, and Description in the list of organizations they can choose from. This improves user experience in the case that your CRM has multiple organizations with the same Tax ID.  Find more information in the GOapply V2 Admin guide.
    6. GOapply Reviewer: the following enhancements pertain to GOapply Reviewer
      • There is now a third option for "Scoring Type" on GOapply Review Group settings titled "Sum by Reviewer then Average by Application". This option will take the sum of the scores given by the reviewers, then calculate the average of those scores for the application. 
      • We have added a Request lookup field to Review Response record that will populate on creation. Review Response records created prior to this release will not have this field populated.


  • Bug Fixes
    1. Some users were experiencing issues viewing their fund documents in GOfund, this issue has been resolved.


  • Bug Fixes
    1. We fixed a bug in which signed-in users were unable to select Anonymous in the donation checkout.
    2. We fixed a bug in which donation anonymity was not mapping to the gift/gift payment records.
  • Enhancements 
    1. GOdonate Transactions will be status = Complete any time the Gift lookup field on the transaction is populated.
    2. We have added functionality to allow users to resend the email confirmation needed to complete registration. This link will be located on the sign in page.
    3. We enhanced the honor/memorial section of the donation form to include a Dedicated To field. This field will map to the Honor/Memorial section of the Gift record. 
    4. We have added capability for a ReCAPTCHA validation when processing user payments. ReCAPTCHA validation can be turned on/off in GOdonate Settings.


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