


RELEASE NOTES: February 15, 2024


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 02/15/2024. Documentation will be updated or added to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support. Please be aware that you may need to refresh your browser, clear your browser cache, or log out/log back in to see these changes. 



  • Bug Fixes
    1. Total Giving This Year on fund records was not including interfund grant/gifts. Total Giving This Year will now include interfund grant/gifts.
    2. GOverify: CRA search was not working for organization names with apostrophes. This has been fixed.
    3. We have fixed a bug in which the Payee on the request quick create form was not updating when the Applicant (Constituent) had a designated default payee.
    4. We fixed a bug in which changing the amount in an Interfund record was not also changing the amounts on the associated gift and grant payment records. 
    5. We have fixed a bug in which, for some organizations listed as verified nonprofits or registered charities, GOverify was returning no results.
  • Enhancements
    1. GOverify: when an organization’s Foundation Status Code returns no results (N/A), but the organization is tax exempt, the Tax Status on the GOverify tab will read “Tax Exempt (not nonprofit)”.

akoyaGO with Accounting

  • Bug Fixes
    1. On create of an additional payment on a gift, the account was not filling in in the business process flow. This has been fixed. Account will fill in on save.
    2. We have fixed a bug in which the Fund Net Asset amount was not updating correctly.
    3. We have fixed a bug in which, in the case that the Payor and Donor are different in a gift created via the gift quick create form, Donor was not updating in the Gift record.
    4. Admin Gift Fees: We have added data validation on the Gift Fee form that will prevent save if the Income Account does not start with a ‘4’. Amendment: based on feedback from the product update webinar, we have removed this process change from the 2/15 release. Instead, we are redesigning this process to not only restrict gift fees to 4XXX accounts, but also consider your expense account numbers. This new process is scheduled for the March 28th release. 
    5. We have fixed a bug in which, for some organizations listed as verified nonprofits or registered charities, GOverify was returning no results.
  • Enhancements
    1. Nongift Default Accounts: In Accounting Settings, we have added default account fields for nongifts. After the update, these fields will default to Null and will use the otherwise appropriate gift default. If you wish to utilize these fields, you will need to fill in the desired nongift default accounts.
    2. GL Memo: We have added a field on gift and grant payments called GL Memo. This is an editable, free text field (250 character max.) that will go into the Memo field in the Business Central General Ledger. This field will auto-populate with either the Donor or the Grantee. For Interfunds, if Grantee is empty, the GL memo field will populate with the Formal Fund Name of the gift fund in the gift payment record and the Formal Fund Name of the grant fund in the request payment record.
    3. Autobalance will now run when users click the Reapportion button in Accounting Settings.
    4. We have updated functionality surrounding the Notification Recipient field in Accounting Settings. If the field is empty, a warning banner will be displayed.
    5. GOverify: when an organization’s Foundation Status Code returns no results (N/A), but the organization is tax exempt, the Tax Status on the GOverify tab will read “Tax Exempt (not nonprofit)”.

Business Central

  • Bug Fixes
    1. In Posted Deposits, the Reversed checkbox was not reliably filled in. This has been fixed; the Reversed checkbox will fill in when the Undo Posting button is used. 
    2. We fixed a bug in which gift reversals were not showing a reduction in the customer’s balance.
    3. We have fixed a bug in which gift reversals were appearing as a line in the list of undeposited funds in Bank Deposits (Suggest Undeposited Funds). When a gift payment is reversed, its corresponding line in the undeposited funds available for deposit will disappear.
    4. Financial reports will now alert users if the filters they input have returned no results. 
  • Enhancements:
    1. Annual closing processes can now be run without needing to reactivate funds that had been deactivated throughout the year. We have added programming that will search for funds in the background when closing is run, reactivate them just to close net assets, then deactivate (block) them again in Business Central without requiring any manual intervention from the user. The fund's status in CRM will not change throughout this process.
    2. We have added a new report called Trial Balance, Spread Global Dimension (Excel Only). This report is identical to the Trial Balance, Spread Global Dimension report, but the latter report only works for 8 funds or fewer. The new report will download directly to Excel and can accommodate hundreds of records.
    3. We have created a new layout for the Detail Trial Balance report that includes Payee/Donor names. This layout is not the default, you will need to choose it from the report dialog report layout field. The new report layout is called Detail Trial Balance with GL Details.
    4. We have made it easier to find posted bank reconciliations by renaming the area to “Posted Bank Reconciliations” in the Cash Management dropdown and adding a menu item for Posted Bank Reconciliations under the Navigate option in Bank Accounts.
    5. We have added filtering options for Vendor Ledger Entries on the Aged Accounts Payable report.
    6. Users now have the option to determine which order checks print in via a new feature in the Payment Journal called Sort Checks. Users can choose from a list to filter by description, account no., memo, external document no., payment no., gift/request no., or posting description.


  • Bug Fixes
    1. We have added multi-select fields to the Organization Profile. Previously, they were not recognized by the form.
    2. We have fixed a bug in which the phase guideline url (if applicable) was not appearing on the application unless Phase Contact was also filled in. Opportunity/Phase Guideline urls will appear regardless of whether Phase Contact contains data or not.
    3. We have fixed a bug in which nonregistered users who had been sent a link (via title slug) to an application were not being redirected to the application after registering. 
    4. We have fixed a bug in which fiscal sponsor/payee dynamic panels were being overwritten by the applicant. Fiscal sponsor/payee panels will map to the Payee field in Request.
  • Enhancements
    1. Theme settings have been updated to color picker. Instead of entering HEX codes, you can now choose a color from a palette or gradient. You will still have the option to enter HEX or RGB codes.
    2. We have improved the visibility of the Organization Profile when it is in read-only mode.
    3. We have added validation surrounding the Forgot Password functionality. Now, if a user who is not registered tries to change their password on the login screen, they will be shown a "No account found, please register" message.
    4. The Phase form now contains a new field called Internal Phase Contact (this is a User lookup field.) 
    5. Hidden fields (‘Is visible’ = OFF), will not be included on the blank PDF if users choose Print Blank in GOapply. 
    6. GOapply Reviewer: 
      • GOapply Administrators now have the ability to bulk import reviewers. This includes a workflow that sends an email inviting the reviewer to create their password. More information in the GOapply Reviewer Admin Guide.
      • The reviewer form editor now includes a file upload field type so that reviewers can upload photos/files if needed. The uploaded files will appear in the Review Response record.


  • Bug Fixes
    1. We have fixed a bug in which the grant recommendation PDF was displaying guids (string of letters and numbers) instead of the names of organizations. In the grant recommendation PDF, the names of the organizations chosen will be listed.
    2. We have fixed a bug in which the grant recommendation PDF was not displaying grantee information if the user used the charity search function.
    3. We have fixed a bug in which the Foundation Staff Contact phone number was not listed in the contact information. The Main Phone field of the User record is what will be displayed. 
    4. We have fixed a bug in which, while impersonating a user and printing the gift or grant history, it would print for a previously used fund instead of the current fund.
  • Enhancements 
    1. We have added a button to the Grant and Gift History pages called Clear Filter. This option will clear any previously set filters on the page and return to the default year-to-date filter.
    2. We have added new fields to the Grant and Gift history tabs of GOfund Settings called Header Text. These are free text fields that, if filled in, will display the text at the top of the respective gift or grant history pages in GOfund.
    3. Theme settings have been updated to color picker. Instead of entering HEX codes, you can now choose a color from a palette or gradient. You will still have the option to enter HEX or RGB codes.
    4. GOfund now contains an option to ‘Give to another fund’. This will take the user to GOdonate where they can give to other funds in the catalogue.
    5. A new field in GOfund Settings allows you to turn off designated giving in the recommend a grant form. This setting will not affect the interfund recommendation form. This setting will default to Null in existing GOfund Settings records. Upon release, the recommend a grant form will still have designated purpose as an option. To remove this, turn the Enable Designated Giving field to OFF.


  • Bug Fixes
    1. We have fixed a bug where sometimes duplicate gifts were being created after GOdonate transactions.
  • Enhancements
    1. GOdonate now contains an option called ‘View my funds’ if the user also has a Donor Portal Connection (GOfund). This will take the user to GOfund. This option will only be available for signed-in users.
    2. A new field in GOdonate Settings allows you to turn off designated giving in the donation form. Upon release, the donation form will still have designated purpose as an option. To remove this, turn the Enable Designated Giving field to OFF.