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Auto Generate akoyaGO Financial Report



To update the standard akoyaGO financial reports to include the most recently created accounts, funds, and settings, the Auto Generate akoyaGO Financial Report process should be initiated. These standard reports include akoyaGO Balance Sheet by Account, akoyaGO Balance Sheet by Fund, and akoyaGO Revenue & Expenditures.

  Initiating the Process

1. In Business Central, navigate to Reports>Financial Reports.


2. Choose Options>Auto Generate akoyaGO Financial Report.


3. Select the report to be updated. The Financial Report Name will populate automatically. If the report should contain the G/L account numbers in addition to the account names toggle Include Acct. Numbers to "on".


4. A warning appears indicating the current financial report rows will be cleared and refreshed with up-to-date accounts/funds. Any manual updates that have been made to this report's layouts and totaling will be deleted and replaced. Select "Yes" to continue.


5. Repeat steps two through four for all reports needing updating. Close Financial Reports when complete.



akoyaGO Balance Sheet by Account

The Row Definition will now contain all G/L Accounts, regardless of if they are inactive. All names and settings will be updated.


The Totaling of the Net Assets section of the report also updates to include not only the net asset accounts themselves, but all accounts that net to it.

akoyaGO Revenues and Expenditures

The Row Definition will now contain all G/L Accounts, regardless of if they are inactive. All names and settings will be updated.

akoyaGO Balance Sheet by Fund

The Row Definition will now contain all funds, regardless of whether they are inactive. All names and settings will be updated.