


RELEASE NOTES: March 28, 2024


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 03/28/2024. Documentation will be updated or added to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support. Please be aware that you may need to refresh your browser, clear your browser cache, or log out/log back in to see the following changes.



  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which Default Payee was not coming through to the Request Payment record. 
    • We have added the Approve/Deny button to the upper toolbar in Request Records for non-accounting users.
    • When Grant Amendment contained data in a negative amount, a business rule was creating an additional payment. We have fixed this so that Grant Amendment will never create an additional payment.
  • Enhancements
    • We have added criteria to the Role lookup on Connection records. This field now filters out inactive connection roles.
    • We have improved several views on Connections:
      • Active Connections now excludes Donor Portal Access (GOfund)-specific columns.
      • Fund Statement Recipient was removed as a column from the GOfund Connections view. 
      • All GOfund permissions were added as columns to GOfund Connections views. 
    • We have added a column for Request Type to the view Pending Requests.
    • We have added four new email workflows on Request – Grant Award Email Draft, Grant Denial Email Draft, Scholarship Award Email Draft, and Scholarship Denial Email Draft. These workflows will be deactivated by default. Each workflow, when run, will create a draft of an award/denial email to the Primary Contact on the Request. The emails in the workflows can be edited by foundation staff to fit your organization’s needs. The emails will be ‘From’ the user designated as the Foundation Contact in GOapply Settings.


akoyaGO with Accounting

  • Bug Fixes
    • We have changed the logic surrounding reversals. Previously, reversals on payments that had not been sent to accounting were possible. Users were warned but were able to bypass the warnings. Now, any payments with posting dates after the Reversal Override Date that have not been sent to accounting from akoyaGO will not be allowed to be reversed.
    • We have fixed a bug in which users had to do an advanced search to change the Payor on Gift quick create if they wanted it to be different from the Donor. Now, users can simply use the X in the field and choose a Payor from the list.
    • We have improved the error messaging for payments that fail fiscal transfer due to an empty posting group on the customer or vendor record.
    • Reversal Amount is now required on Grant Payment reversals.
    • We have fixed a bug that was causing rounding errors on gifts with multiple payments in the quick create form.
  • Enhancements
    • We have enhanced views in sub-grids of Gift and Donor records to improve data visibility.
    • Building upon the new field, GL Memo, in gift and request payments, we have backfilled the GL Memo on payments that were created before this field was introduced to improve data integrity and consistency.
    • We have created two new system views on Gifts – Gifts to be Acknowledged and Gift Payments with no Thank You date. 
    • We have added Fund Name to the header on the fund form.
    • We have added a column for Formal Fund Name to the system view Requests to Send to Accounting.
    • We have added a column for Net Asset Type to the Net Asset Accounts system view.
    • We have added Event to the Gift quick create form.
    • All Fund Fee Formula system views now contain a column that shows whether the formula is active or not.
    • We have enhanced request payments so that, for additional payments (payments manually created, not created automatically upon approval), Fund and Anonymous map from the original request.
    • For Scheduled Distributions, the Grantee will no longer be required when Interfund Recipient contains data.
    • Interfunds: changes to Fund, Function, Department, and Account on the main Interfund form will now map to the respective gift and grant payment records.
    • We have added a new system view on Interfund Grants called Pending Interfund Grants. 
    • We have updated the system view All GOfund Requests to include criteria for Grant Recommender Certification = Yes.


Business Central

  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in report dialogs. Previously, users were being alerted to the fact that the Fund Class, Type, and Endowed status filters produced no results when it was not true. 
    • We have fixed a bug in which Customer and Payees were being created with no names.
    • We have adjusted the alignment of the logo on Fund Statements to be left justified with the statement lines.
    • We have fixed a bug in which refunds were not showing in the undeposited funds available for deposit. In fixing this bug, we have also added a Memo column to the list of undeposited funds and made it so that if an amount in undeposited funds is $0.00, it will be automatically marked ‘Ignore’.
  • Enhancements
    • Going forward, the Statement Ending Date on new JIA batches will default to the last day of the month after the last JIA was posted. For example, if the most recent JIA was posted on 01/31/2024 when a new JIA batch for that bank account is opened, the Statement Ending Date will default to 02/29/2024. Users can alter this date if needed.
    • Fund Statement Format: Users can now designate how negative amounts are shown in the fund statement. Options include negative amounts shown in red and negative amounts denoted by parentheses or negative symbols. We have also added options for additional color coding in the fund statement format.
    • Users will no longer be able to change the Net Asset Account on any G/L accounts with activity. 
    • The default Trial Balance Detail/Summary report layout will now be ‘akoyaGO Trial Balance Detail-Summary’.
    • We have improved the speed with which deposits are posted. 



  • Bug Fixes
    • We have removed any mention of an email notification on registration confirmation pages.
    • We have fixed a bug in which file uploads that contained an apostrophe (single quote), were failing. File uploads with that symbol are now accepted.
    • We have fixed a bug in which, when the Completed HTML field in Form Editor (Form Settings) was filled in, it was not showing the message to users on submit. If this field is left empty, the submission message to the user will be the standard default message. 
    • We have fixed a bug in which applicant approval emails were intermittently duplicated.
    • We have fixed a bug in which the navigation bar text color was not responding to the color of the bar. When the navigation bar is a light color, the text will default to black and when the navigation bar is a dark color, the text will default to white.
    • We have fixed a bug in which .xls files were failing to upload and not stitching to the PDF.
    • We have fixed a bug in which HTML fields were not rendering paragraph spacing properly on the PDF.
    • We have fixed a bug in which deep links were not respecting the application type. For example, if a user was sent a link to an application that was designated as Application Type = Organization and the user was an Individual user type, upon logging in, the user was able to apply to the application. With this fix, the Apply button will be greyed out.
    • We have fixed a bug in which the Current Phase Due Date on GOapply Status Tracking records was not pulling from the correct date field. We have removed extraneous phase due date fields as a response.
    • We have fixed a bug in which the Organization Name in pre-mapped panels was appearing on the submitted PDF as the organization’s GUID.
  • Enhancements
    • The language during the registration process has been changed. We have removed all instances of “register”, “registration”, etc. in favor of “create” and “creation”. For example, on the login page, the option will now read “Create a new account” as opposed to “Register an account”.
    • We have added two new fields to GOapply Settings called Individual Account Creation Confirmation Text and Organization Account Creation Confirmation text. These are optional rich text editor fields that will be displayed to users after account creation. If these fields are empty, the standard default message “Account created successfully” will show.
    • We have added a setting to GOapply Settings called Enable Email Verification where GOapply Administrators can determine whether or not new GOapply users are sent an email verification message.
    • Phase Due Date in the UI now contains a tooltip that, when hovered over, will show the date/time in the applicant’s time zone and the UTC time zone. 
    • We have changed the 'Is Visible' field in GOapply Form Editor to 'Show to Applicant'. This field will default to Yes (On).
    1. GOapply Reviewer
      • We have added the entities Reviewers and Review Group Application to the GOapply workspace navigation panel.



  • Bug Fixes
    • We have improved the Donor Portal (GOfund) connection process to not allow Donor Portal connections on Fund to be created if the Contact’s email address does not contain data. 
    • We have fixed a bug in which the Home Page setting in GOfund Settings was not responsive, i.e., it was showing a home page when the toggle was turned to OFF. 
    • When making recurring grants, users were experiencing a 500 error when the Purpose field contained more than 100 characters. To fix this, we have increased the max. character limit on the Purpose field of Scheduled Distributions (CRM) from 150 to 850. If a Purpose is more than 850 characters, you will need to open the submitted recommendation PDF to see the full purpose.
    • We have fixed a bug in which Grant Recommendations from GOfund in the GOfund Logs were ‘regarding’ the fund number instead of the request number.
    • We have fixed a bug in which, in the case that Donations were OFF in GOfund Settings, users were still able to see the ‘Give to Another Fund’ option (which navigates them to GOdonate). When Donations are OFF ‘Give to Another Fund’ will not be visible. 
    • We have changed the logic surrounding Fund Statement Start and End dates. Going forward, if the Fund Statement End Date is set to a prior year, the Fund Statement Start Date will default to the first day of the year of the end date. This functionality applies to cases where Fund Statement Start Date is left blank in GOfund Settings.
    • We have fixed a bug in which the GOfund Recommender was not populating in the Interfund Request record when users recommended an interfund grant.
  • Enhancements 
    • We have added an email workflow template called ‘GOfund – Internal Notification for Interfund Grant Recommendation’ that will send an email to a designated user on the foundation staff once an Interfund grant is recommended. The workflow and email must be edited to include a ‘From’ and ‘To’. The email body can be edited as well. Out of the box, it will contain a link to the interfund record, the name of the grant recommender, the amount, the gift and grant funds, and the purpose.



  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which the Purpose field on the Donation was not mapping to the Purpose field on the gift created. To remedy this, we have expanded the maximum character count on both fields to 1000 characters.
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