

RELEASE NOTES: May 9, 2024


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 05/09/2024. Documentation will be updated or added to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support. Please be aware that you may need to refresh your browser, clear your browser cache, or log out/log back in to see the following changes. 



  • Bug Fixes
    • GOverify: We have fixed a bug in which, on unverified Constituents, once they were verified via GOverify, child records such as Requests and Request Payments were still displaying the ‘not verified’ banner.
    • We have fixed a bug in which contact email activity was appearing in the Timeline of the Spouse’s Contact record (if applicable). The Spouse Email field on the contact record is no longer formatted as an email hyperlink. This data will continue to be captured in plain text.
  • Enhancements
    • When Request Type = Scholarship, Applicant is no longer required and Primary Contact is required. In these instances, Payee will not be required on Request Payments as it is a lookup to organizations (Constituents). This was done to ease the administrative burden in the case where a check to an individual person needed to be cut.
    • GOverify: Pub 78 Address fields will now be locked in the GOverify tab of Constituent records.
    • We have renamed the Customer Details section on Contact records to Parent Constituent for clarity and ease of use.
    • Contacts now contain a field called Deceased Date on the Details tab. When this field contains data, the user will be asked if they would like to deactivate the contact.

akoyaGO with Accounting

  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which the Recreate Interfund option in Interfund reversals was not responsive. 
    • We have fixed a bug in which the default accounts determined in Accounting Settings were not filling in on the grant payment records. 
    • We have fixed a bug on Fund and Donor in which calculated fields (i.e., Annual Giving, Gift Activity, Request Activity) were not populating when the relevant fields contained data.
  • Enhancements
    • The Interfund Grants form will now warn users if the grant amount exceeds the Grant Fund’s spendable amount.
    • We have added alert banners to Donor records where the primary and/or secondary contact has been deactivated. We have also added a banner to inactive Contact and Constituents which are the primary or secondary contact on a Donor.
    • Scheduled Distributions now includes a popup when the chosen Grantee (Constituent) contains a Default Payee. This popup will ask the user if they would like to fill in the Default Payee as the Payee on the Scheduled Distribution. The Purpose field on Scheduled Distributions has also been renamed to Title for consistency. 
    • We have enhanced the Interfund business process flow by removing the requirement on the Grant Program field and making the Posting Date default to the Interfund Date. Posting Date can still be manually changed if needed.
    • The Committee Members entity has been added to the left navigation pane for convenience and ease of use.
    • Grant Fund and Grant Recommender on Interfund records will now map to the Interfund Request record.
    • Gift Payments now support multiple gift fees (up to two). 
    • DT Accounts has been added to the navigation pane in the Tools workspace and two new system views have been added to DT Accounts – Active Funds without DT Accounts and Fund DT Accounts Validation. The former is a view for active funds where DT Account does not contain data and the latter is a view that includes Fund Name, fund details, DT Account and DT Account details.
    • We have removed the Marketing section from the Organization Details tab of Constituent records.
    • Accounting Settings: We have added a new field on Accounting Settings called Operating Fund. Upon release of this feature, Operating Fund will auto populate with the Rebalancing Fund. 

Business Central

  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug that produced an error when running Fund Fees Assessment. The error stemmed from when a Fund Group contained more than 18 funds, it would exceed the field character count. Fund Fees Assessment can now run on Fund Groups that contain more than 18 funds.
  • Enhancements
    • Payment journals will no longer auto-apply payments to vendor ledger entries on lines that did not originate from akoyaGO CRM. Meaning, auto-apply will not happen when a user manually enters lines into a payment journal.
    • A new report has been added to Business Central – Bank Account Activity by Bal Account. This report can be accessed in the Report tab of the Bank Account.
    • There is a new option on the Fund Statement report dialogue called Exclude Closed Funds that will exclude any inactive funds from the report.
    • In General Journals, Fund Class, Fund Department, Endowed, Fund code, and Fund Type will show in the Info pane (Dimensions section). Please note, you may need to personalize your screen to see the Dimensions section. 


  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which the editing toolset (rich text field) of the HTML Editor field in Form Editor was hidden. 
    • We have fixed a bug in which the phase due date was displaying as the wrong date on the blank PDF when users chose the Print Blank option. The due date time zone will now display at the top of the PDF as the same time zone as the user’s local time zone.
    • We have fixed the GOapply Review Completed email template to include dynamic fields of Reviewer and Review Group.
    • We have removed all instances of Criteria from the GOapply workspace as it is obsolete.
    • Users were experiencing submission errors in cases where a Request – Applicant panel had the read-only Organization Name field. This has been fixed.
  • Enhancements
    • We have enhanced GOapply Form Builder so that it will automatically change the question type and fill in the options for the following mapped field types: picklist (choose one), Boolean (yes/no), and multi-option picklist (choose multiple). 
    • We have enhanced the In Progress view for better understanding and ease of use.
    • The GOapply theme has been updated to a color picker system for ease of use. More information in the GOapply Admin Guide.
    • Currency, Phone number, and Email are now fields in the Form Editor toolbox. These fields are pre-formatted to support the content. 
    • GOapply Reviewer: 
      • We have added dynamic fields to the GOapply Send Reviewer Completed Email workflow. These new dynamic fields are Reviewer (first and last name) and Review Group.
      • Reviewer form editor will now throw an error if scoring is not set up properly.
      • We have removed extraneous fields from the Reviewer form editor.
      • GOapply Reviewer will now advance users to the next application in their review group on submit or Conflict of Interest rather than them having to navigate back to the list of applications and select the next one.


  • Bug Fixes
    • When users were viewing Gift or Grant History with multiple funds selected and they chose Export to Excel, the export would be blank. This has been fixed. 
    • We have fixed a bug in which the GOfund header text was not visible on the Documents page (when applicable).
  • Enhancements
    • GOfund Settings now contains a setting called Enable “Create New Organization” that determines whether users can create a new organization while recommending a grant, either via manual entry or Charity Search. This setting will be ON by default. Meaning, upon release, users will still be able to create new organizations. 
    • GOfund Settings now contains two new HTML text fields – one to display on Fund Summary and one to display on Fund Statement. 
    • We have added a field to Fund called Ignore Spendable Limit. This field will default to No; however, when Yes, GOfund users will be allowed to recommend grants that exceed the Fund’s spendable amount. 
    • We have changed the option to edit fund profile from a pencil icon to a link that says, “Update Fund Profile”.
    • A new field has been added to GOfund Settings called Foundation Staff Contact Label Text which lets you customize the label above the GOfund contact information. More information in the GOfund Admin Guide.


  • Enhancements
    • The email template ‘GOdonate Donation Confirmation Email’ now contains the fund to which the user donated. When the user gets the email, it will list the fund they gave to.