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How to Manually Duplicate GOapply Applications and Phases

1. Open the GOapply Oppportunity you want to copy.

Click on 001146

2. Open Phases in this Application.
Click on Phases in this Application

3. Click on the Phase you want to copy.

Click on the Phase you want to copy

4. Click on the hyperlink next to Form Definition. This will save the sale to your downloads. Keep this file in a safe space so you will be able to pull it up in the upcoming steps.

Click on the hyperlink next to 'Form Definition.' This will save the file to your downloads.

5. Click on New to Create a new Opportunity. Fill in all the required information for the new Opportunity and click Save.

Click on New to Create a new Opportunity

6. Click on Phases in this Application.


Click on Phases in this Application

7. Click on New Phase in the subgrid.

Click on New Phase in the subgrid

8. Fill in all the required information on the Phase form.

Fill in all the required information on the Phase form

9. Click the Choose File button. Select the form definition file you just saved in the previous steps.

Click the 'Choose File' button.

10. Click on Save.

Click on Save

11. Repeat these steps (except the one that tells you to create a new Opportunity) until all Phases in your new Opportunity have the appropriate form definitions.


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