




Setting Up Multiple GOapply Sites


  1. akoyaGO Customizer, akoyaGO Administrator, or GOapply Administrator security role


Please note: System Customize security role alone cannot create new GOapply Settings records.


Step 1: Contact akoyaGO Support


Contact akoyaGO Support with your request to set up additional GOapply sites. The first step in this process requires our Support staff to make some updates behind the scenes. 

Step 2: GOapply Settings


Once our Support team is finished with the initial set up, you may continue with the following steps.

Step 2.1: New GOapply Settings.

In the Settings entity of the GOapply workspace, choose +New. 

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In the General tab, you will see a field called Site / Subdomain. Here is where you will fill in the subdomain(s) as instructed by our Support team. 

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Please also be aware that this is the subdomain that will go in the GOapply URL.

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After that, set up the GOapply site as you normally would. Please see the GOapply Administrator Guide for in-depth information on setting up GOapply.

GOapply Site Settings in Opportunities

There is a required field in GOapply Opportunities called GOapply Site Settings. At this time, this is not a multi-select field. Select the GOapply site in which applicants will apply for this opportunity. 

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GOapply Settings in other areas


GOapply Site Settings will autofill in the following entities (if not filled in, users may experience errors). 

GOapply User – Internal tab

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GOapply Status Tracking – Internal tab

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Reviewer – Internal tab

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GOapply site settings and Workflows


In cases where you want your GOapply emails to come “From” the Foundation Contact user in the GOapply Settings, remember to fill in the GOapply site settings that the email should come from in the following Process workflow – Set Foundation Contact from GOapply Settings on Status Tracking Record.

To make this change, navigate to Advanced Settings > Processes and find the Set Foundation Contact from GOapply Settings on Status Tracking Record process. 

Open the process, deactivate it if activated and click Set Properties. 


Set the GOapply Settings record in this field. 


User Login 


Users that have established an account in one GOapply site will be allowed to log in with those same credentials on your additional GOapply sites.