

RELEASE NOTES: August 6, 2024


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes and enhancements in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 08/07/2024. Documentation will be updated or created to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support. Please be aware that you may need to refresh your browser, clear your browser cache, or log out/log back in to see the following changes. 




  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which the Approve/Deny command bar button was overriding Decision Date with the date of approval/denial. Now, if Decision Date contains data, approval or denial of the request will not change that value.
  • Enhancements
    • akoyaGO CRM now supports bulk letters. Letters can be run from the Contact, Constituent, Request, and Request Payment entities. Please see the Generating Bulk Letters in akoyaGO knowledge article for more information.


akoyaGO with Accounting 

  • Bug Fixes
    • Grants Management
      • We have fixed a bug in which, upon reversal/undo of a bank reconciliation in Business Central, the Clear Date of the associated request payment records was not removed. 
    • Donor Management
      • We have fixed a bug in which, upon reversal/undo of a bank reconciliation in Business Central, the Clear Date of the associated gift payment records was not removed. 
    • Fund Management
      • We have fixed a bug in which the fund statement was not displaying in the Fund Statements tab of Fund records.
  • Enhancements
    • General (affects all workspaces)
      • akoyaGO CRM now supports bulk letters. Letters can be run from the Contact, Constituent, Request, Donor, Fund, Gift, Request Payment and Gift Payment entities. Please see the Generating Bulk Letters in akoyaGO knowledge article for more information.
    • Grants Management
      • We have restricted the choices in the Request Payment Account field. This field will now only look up to accounts which start with a 5. 
      • We have restricted the choices in the Interfund Grant Account and Gift Account fields. These fields will now only look up to accounts which start with a 5 or a 4, respectively. 
    • Donor Management 
      • We have removed the popup asking if users want to update the Informal Greeting on create of new donors. Now, on create of a new donor, the Informal Greeting will automatically populate as the first name of the primary contact.
    • Fund Management 
      • We have removed the business process flow from the Gift Fee form. However, the logic imposed by the business process flow, will still be applied to fields on the form.



Business Central

  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which deposits reversed in Business Central (undo posting), were not writing back to change the status of the associated Gift Payments. Now, when deposits are reversed via undo posting, the associated Gift Payment records will revert back to a Payment Status of Received.
    • We have fixed a bug in which multi-page fund statement columns were not properly aligned and the Fund Name was missing from the header in subsequent pages.
    • We have fixed a bug in which the Trial Balance Spread Global Dimension (Excel only) report did not support more than 250 characters in the G/L Account filter. Now, the Information tab of the report will not truncate that value if it exceeds 250 characters.
    • We have fixed a bug in which the Outstanding Payments at Posting and Outstanding Transactions at Postings fields on the Bank Reconciliation were including items that were reconciled using the old bank rec form and those marked closed as part of the implementation process. In response, we have created a tool called Fix outstanding amounts located in the Actions menu of the Bank Account Statement page.
    • We have fixed a bug in which the Posted JIA Report was not displaying the Investment Account names.
  • Enhancements
    • Business Central standard reports now include Fund Class, Fund Type and Endowed as filtering options. 
    • Users will no longer be allowed to input characters outside of A-Z, 0-9 in any Code or No. fields in Business Central. This is because filtering does not include special characters and returns no results when Codes or No. contain character outside of A-Z, 0-9. 



  • Bug Fixes
    • Form Editor: We have fixed a bug in which changes to the choice names in mapped dropdown fields were not holding.
    • We have fixed a bug in which GOapply Admins were receiving an error regarding character limits on the Summary and Description fields even though they did not seem to be over the limit. This was due to hidden html characters being counted in the overall character count. In response, we have updated the tooltip and increased the character limits on those fields.
    • We have fixed a bug in which the GOapply Bulk Import Users workflow was not populating the invitation link in the email to new users.
  • Enhancements
    • We have enhanced the Bulk Import User form to hide the Parent Constituent field when Applicant Type = Individual to decrease the likelihood of errors.



  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which users with their location set to regions (Windows settings) that use date formats other than DD/MM/YYYY were getting errors on log in.
  • Enhancements
    • We have created a new calculated field on Fund called Total Uncommitted Net Assets. This is to support the Ignore Spendable Limit functionality. Total Uncommitted Net Assets is the Total Net Assets value minus the Requests Pending value, minus any GOfund recommendations with a request status of Pending. More information available in the GOfund Admin Guide.
    1. We have increased the character limit on the Purpose field of the Recommend a Grant form to 850 characters. 



  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which the GOdonate gift fee was not automatically populating on the Gift Payment records created by GOdonate.
  • Enhancements
    • We have added two additional fields to GOdonate Settings called Minimum Donation Amount and Maximum Donation Amount to set donation parameters for users.