• Sorting of Applications in Reviewer

    Has anyone figured out how to make the applications in a review group display in a certain order such as alpha by applicant? I have tried adding the applications to the review group one at a time, in the order I want them displayed, but they still rearrange themselves along the way. I have been told this is not an option, but I am asking again to see if anyone has had any luck figuring this out. It is hard for a reviewer to keep track of where they are in a list of 30 applications, since the applications are in no particular order that makes sense to them. 

    Just wondering and hoping! 
  • Events

    Does anyone use Akoya for registration for events? Is this something that is available?

    I know we can set up an event, and tie it to a marketing list - but is there any functionality for them to actually be able to register for the event and answer some basic questions? We considered using GOapply but then it would create a bunch of "requests" that we do not need to keep since these are not related to a grant. Any info would be appreciated. 


  • Using the Analytics tool

    Does anyone use the out of the box analytics tool in AkoyaGO? Are there any written instructions on how to customize what is seen?
  • Reviewer - how to remove scores from a removed reviewer

    Found out yesterday in the Grant/Scholarship Users Group that in order to remove the submitted scores of a reviewer that you want to remove from the review group, there are multiple steps to make this happen, otherwise their scores will remain in the mix. Zoey will create a whitepaper about this hopefully soon. :)
  • RE: Turn off Primary Contact Requirement

    We actually created a fake contact record called "Unknown Name" and use it to deactivate all old records. :) 
  • RE: Reviewer Scores Reset

    Did you get an answer? I found that reviewers can submit their review multiple times if needed. 
  • RE: Duplicating a Phase

    Kathy - phases are not as complicated as I originally thought, if you want to try it I am happy to help! You can add as many Interim Report phases as you need to, and give each one a different name, For example I used it for my Grant Agreement, and made it phase 2. It is pretty simple, and as far as copying the JSON file, that is actually so simple I could not believe it. I am not a microsoft  savvy person but it is doable. :)
  • RE: Grant Agreement Process

    I tried this recently - I added an Interim Report as Phase 2 of the application. I recreated the Grant Agreement document in the form builder, with a signature panel at the end. (Tip - I found that pasting the entire agreement with all its bullet points did not display well to the user, so I actually took a screen shot of each page of the agreement and uploaded them as a series of images on the form builder.)

    So then it was simply a matter of advancing the request record to the next phase. Interim reports show up in the grant record as a Requirement (in the Payment/Requirement entity).

    We typically do not enter a payment until they actually ask for the funds, and if that extends beyond our fiscal year we do create a payment record with the posting date of 12-31 and send it to BC so the funds are protected for when they do request them. 

    I have never tried using the requirement function as a way to trigger the payment, but I know that probably works very well. We are still on more of a manual process as we get used to GOapply. :) 
  • multiple org users want to use the same application

    How do I make it so that a Phase 1 application submitted by a grantwriter, can be visible and updated by another user of the organization? The grantwriter does not want to provide their login to the other user. Any suggestions?
  • RE: How to create a Review Group for Phase 2 that can see Phase 1 reviewer scores & comments

    I asked this of Bromelkamp directly and they said no there is no way to do tis currently. To upload the report from phase 1 reviewers, to the review group for phase 2.