• RE: Request Programs - What do you have?

    We call them Funding Priority Areas:
    • Shelter and Housing
    • Basic Needs (food and clothing)
    • Youth Services and support
    • Preventative, educational, and life skills programming
    • Collective Impact Organization
    • Capital Request
    Our programs are defined as our grant types: discretionary, unrestricted, program support, collaborative, or capacity building
  • GoApply Phase on a Request

    Can I tell what GoApply phase a request is currently on by viewing the request in AkoyaGo? Or does that have to be done through GoApply?
  • 2024 Product Update Schedule

    In October's Product Update meeting, Marne stated she was finalizing the 2024 Product Update schedule. When will this be published? We will be looking at this for a guide of when our grant applications are due in 2024.
  • RE: Product Update 404 and 500 errors?

    Nevermind - this was solved.
  • Product Update 404 and 500 errors?

    Is the current product update for October causing issues for users to see a 404 and 500 error?

  • Tool Tips

    Where do you access the Tool Tips property within the Form Editor on Go Apply?

    I was trying to use the Empowered Session's Making Go Apply Easy, but I cannot read the screenshots.

    Thank you!
  • RE: Turning off Primary Contact Requirement?

    thank you - this was helpful! (I was missing the step to 'edit table column'.
  • Turning off Primary Contact Requirement?

    Is there an option to turn off the requirement for a Primary Contact on a constituent table? I don't see an option when I am in the Primary Contact properties in Power Apps.

    We are trying to clean up old/inactive constituents - many of which do not have a primary contact and are so old, we are not sure who it would be. Because we can't leave the primary contact blank, we are not able to deactivate these old accounts. 
  • Session Content

    When are the session videos going to be posted from Empowered?
  • Turn off Primary Contact Requirement

    Is there an option to turn off the requirement for a Primary Contact on a constituent table? I don't see an option when I am in the Primary Contact properties in Power Apps.

    We are trying to clean up old/inactive constituents - many of which do not have a primary contact and are so old, we are not sure who it would be. Because we can't leave the primary contact blank, we are not able to deactivate these old accounts.