Posted Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:13:17 GMT by Laura Gano Peter Kiewit Foundation HR and Grants Manager
We have several grants that renew annually as a separate request. It would be great if a flow could be created to "copy" the request (and associated payments/requirements) so we could simply update minor information vs having to create from scratch.
Posted Wed, 16 Aug 2023 19:51:22 GMT by Linda Tibbetts akoyaGO Account Manager
Hello Laura:

Thanks for reaching out with your Product Suggestion.  What you want to happen is a workflow; however, I would advise you use scheduled distributions to avoid confusions.  

Let me know if you need more information or have any other questions. 

Posted Sun, 22 Oct 2023 16:50:16 GMT by Rebekah Wadadli Consultant
Hi Laura -

We do have a "Duplicate Request" workflow in our CRM that works well for us when we have a need to create a similar Request.

- Rebekah
Posted Mon, 23 Oct 2023 14:52:38 GMT by Kwin Kunkle Lozier Foundation Grant Administrator
We also have a "Repeat this Grant Request" flow.
Posted Mon, 23 Oct 2023 17:28:54 GMT by Laura Gano Peter Kiewit Foundation HR and Grants Manager
I should clarify - we do have a copy request flow. I'm asking more about it copying the payments and requirements that are included. This primarily stems from one of our yearly grants having 23 payments/requirements associated with it.

Linda, I reviewed the scheduled distributions white paper, but I don't think that will satisfy what I am looking for because they have required GOapply uploads ("reports") that are needed before it triggers payment and the payment amount frequently changes depending on the submitted "report" (invoice).
Posted Mon, 27 Nov 2023 20:00:53 GMT by Linda Tibbetts akoyaGO Account Manager
Laura - I am asking Marni for clarification.  Will create a Product Suggestion.  Thank you!  Linda

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