Posted Mon, 10 Jul 2023 20:58:09 GMT by Rebekah Wadadli Consultant
I just submitted a progress report for a grantee and saw the confirmation screen that is presented (see attached). I think the layout on this screen is a bit odd, with the three unequal columns of text. I also believe the text itself has some grammatical issues. 

Posted Thu, 13 Jul 2023 14:30:05 GMT by Laura Gano Peter Kiewit Foundation HR and Grants Manager

All these things, plus the different font sizes... 
Posted Fri, 14 Jul 2023 15:40:47 GMT by Addie A Kelzer Account Manager
Hi Rebekah, thank you for the suggestion and screenshot!
Thank you, Laura, for the 'upvote' and additional details!
I have created a product enhancement ticket for our DEV team to review.

Posted Mon, 31 Jul 2023 19:02:59 GMT by Kwin Kunkle Lozier Foundation Grant Administrator

Can we also make changes in the Opportunities Tab?  It seems odd that to enter an application the word is "View" not Apply- and it's on the far left.  I would intuitively look to the right of the application name.  I would also like to take out unused columns, Fiscal Year isn't necessary as we have a rolling application.

Posted Fri, 04 Aug 2023 20:27:39 GMT by Addie A Kelzer Account Manager
Hi Kwin,
I have entered a separate product suggestion for your opportunities tab customization ideas. Thanks for the screenshot! I have also added you to the list of 'interested' for the prior suggestions in this thread. Thank you!
Posted Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:36:08 GMT by Laura Gano Peter Kiewit Foundation HR and Grants Manager
Is there any update on this? It looks TERRIBLE and I'm embarrassed every grantee sees it when they submit applications and reports. 

Also, why can't we remove the "Thank you for completing the survey" verbiage? I doubt any of us are using this for a true survey.. 
Posted Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:52:19 GMT by Kwin Kunkle Lozier Foundation Grant Administrator

Agree with all of the above!
Posted Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:10:34 GMT by Barbie Smoot WV Division of Culture & History Database and GOapply Administrator
We just updated our apps in GOapply for our next deadline, and our notification does not look like the one in the screenshot......ours looks "normal", for lack of a better description lol
Posted Mon, 16 Oct 2023 16:27:52 GMT by Linda Tibbetts akoyaGO Account Manager

The submission page was updated globally.  Therefore, it looks different - less cluttered.  

Posted Mon, 23 Oct 2023 14:55:13 GMT by Kwin Kunkle Lozier Foundation Grant Administrator
I have an issue with applicants getting this submission page when in fact there was an error and their application is being submitted.  Can this also be changed to reflect that there's an error and they need to contact us?
Posted Mon, 27 Nov 2023 20:05:51 GMT by Linda Tibbetts akoyaGO Account Manager
Thanks Kwin - I added this to the Product Suggestion.  Linda 
Posted Fri, 02 Feb 2024 17:35:04 GMT by Lisa Bates Wayne County Foundation Database Administrator
Linda - the submission page that was updated globally looks a lot better.  Thanks for the screenshot example.  However, when I impersonate a user and submit a scholarship application it still looks the old way.  Is this because the application was duplicated?

Laura - you can remove or change the verbiage "Thank you for submitting the survey."  In GOmanager open the application form, make sure the dropdown on the right shows, "Form" and scroll to the bottom.  Click on Show Completed.  There are 3 different message boxes you can edit.
Posted Mon, 05 Feb 2024 20:13:47 GMT by Laura Gano Peter Kiewit Foundation HR and Grants Manager
@Lisa - have you tried this recently? It was reverting back when I tried to remove it. Maybe the bug has been fixed since then? 
Posted Wed, 07 Feb 2024 23:32:45 GMT by Linda Tibbetts akoyaGO Account Manager

I just checked with Marni in Product.  This item (updating the submission page to make it look better) is slated for March release.  Thank you for Product Suggestions.  All suggestions do get reviewed by Product so keep them coming.  This is how we customize and update the software - from what users want.  


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