Posted Tue, 23 Jan 2024 17:58:26 GMT by Hannah Naples Program Officer
Hi All! 

We enter a program for each request in our records. At the end of the year, we use this data to track the areas our grants went into. Here's our list—anyone willing to share theirs? Want to make sure we've got the best options and aren't missing anything.

  • Animal Related
  • Arts, Culture, Humanities
  • Civil Rights
  • Community Development/Capacity Building
  • Disease/Medical
  • Education/Instruction
  • Employment/Jobs
  • Environment/Beautification
  • Food/Nutrition/Agriculture
  • General Health
  • Housing/Shelter
  • Human Services
  • International/Foreign Affairs
  • Medical Research
  • Mental Health
  • Philanthropy, Volunteerism, Grantmaking
  • Public Affairs 
  • Public Protetion
  • Public Safety
  • Recreation
  • Religion Related
  • Science and Technology
Posted Wed, 24 Jan 2024 14:15:44 GMT by Lisa Bates Wayne County Foundation Database Administrator
Hi Hannah,

Thanks for sharing your list of programs.  I'm always looking for better ways to do what we do. 

Here is our list:
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Interest
  • Arts
  • Beautification and/or Improvements
  • Community Activities
  • Education
  • Environment and Preservation
  • Health
  • Human Service
  • Religious Activities
  • Scholarships
  • Seniors
  • Youth
Please feel free to email me if you have questions

Posted Tue, 05 Mar 2024 15:42:25 GMT by Anne Horst Hanby Community Foundation of Elkhart County Grants and Scholarship Administrator
Thank you, this is helpful.

At this time we are only using 5 "Programs" in akoyaGO
1 Kids and Families
2 Placemaking
3 Career Pathways
4 Opportunities 
(the above 4 correspond to grant-making areas)
5 Scholarships
Posted Tue, 12 Mar 2024 15:37:56 GMT by Kwin Kunkle Lozier Foundation Grant Administrator
Our Programs:
Civic Infrastructure
Economic Development
Human Services
Out of School Time

We also use Subprograms to further identify.  Let me know if that list is also of interest to you.
Posted Wed, 27 Mar 2024 17:09:19 GMT by Stephen Ankney Jefferson Regional Foundation Grants, Evaluation, & Data Manager
We use programs to track our grant priority areas--the 6 major areas that we fund in:
  • Health and Wellness
  • Workforce and Economic Opportunity
  • Civic Engagement and Policy Work
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Capacity Building
  • Early Childhood and Youth Development
They are broad, but designed that way to provide us with flexibility. 
Posted Wed, 27 Mar 2024 20:26:14 GMT by Kathy Johnson Grants Manager
Arts and Culture
Child Welfare
Community Development
Community Health and Wellbeing
Community Safety
Diversity, Equiry, and Inclusion
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
Engagement, Advocacy and Policy
Eviction Prevention
Health and Human Services
Informal/Alternative Education
Justice Involvement Prevention
Juvenile Justice
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Public Health
Reproductive Health
Sexual Health
Urban Agriculture
Wellness and Support Services
Posted Tue, 09 Apr 2024 18:56:53 GMT by Candice Olson Grants Manager
We call them Funding Priority Areas:
  • Shelter and Housing
  • Basic Needs (food and clothing)
  • Youth Services and support
  • Preventative, educational, and life skills programming
  • Collective Impact Organization
  • Capital Request
Our programs are defined as our grant types: discretionary, unrestricted, program support, collaborative, or capacity building
Posted Mon, 29 Apr 2024 23:49:01 GMT by
If anyone has business central, can anyone explain or share a chart that demonstrates how interests, funds, and programs inter-relate.  I'm trying to do a project budget for the first time and cannot understand how to set this up so that public facing interests can be funded and passed through to our grantmaking and as well as the projects that may or may not fall under the grantmaking categories.  

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