• RE: Reviewer

    Thank you!! Do you happen to know if I change it now it will work for applications we've already received?
  • Reviewer

    Is there an ability to hide some parts of the application when using Reviewers?  We want to gather more information than what needs to be reviewed.
  • Reviewer

    Is there an ability to hide some parts of the application when using Reviewers?  We want to gather more information than what needs to be reviewed.

  • RE: Layout of Confirmation Screen


    Can we also make changes in the Opportunities Tab?  It seems odd that to enter an application the word is "View" not Apply- and it's on the far left.  I would intuitively look to the right of the application name.  I would also like to take out unused columns, Fiscal Year isn't necessary as we have a rolling application.

  • RE: Conflict of Interest impacting scores

    Not sure if you ever got an answer to this, but I am curious as well. I was thinking there was an average option but that's for individual reviews.

    I have marked "Yes" on conflict of interest but it's not showing on the review as it did previously.  I'm thinking I must be missing a step.

  • RE: V2.0 Reporting

    I am also looking for ideas on collecting reports. 

    I was thinking to creating a second phase to the applications that they could complete in GOApply but I don't have a picture yet of what that might look like. With that, I would also create an auto email to let them know they needed to go in and complete the additional phase. I'm wondering if that could be mapped to a requirement record if there isn't one for every grant?  

    Do you request reports on all grants?
  • Preventing Overpayment

    We are noticing that if you overpay a grant, schedule or even mark as paid, that there is no alert or notification that the payment totals exceed the grand amount.  Is there anyone that has created a solution to this?